The Committee on Government Reform issued a report on the anthrax vaccine program in 2000 titled “Unproven Force Protection”
Here is the report in its entirety.
This article from the Bucks County Courier Times doesn’t address how the 25 mcg. mercury-containing doses (in multidose vials) will be handled, since release into landfills and rivers is not safe or acceptable. Most swine flu vaccine used in the US was packaged in multidose vials, including a mercury preservative, with small stocks of single…
Because there is so much confusion about the issue of airborne spread of Ebola, this article should clarify the fact that our premier biodefense lab clearly shows that transmission through air may cause infection. The article is titled, “Development of a Murine (mouse) Model for Aerosolized Ebolavirus Infection Using a Panel of Recombinant Inbred Mice.”… OPINION COMMENTARY Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete There is no evidence so far that vaccines are reducing infections from the fast-spreading variant. By Luc Montagnier and Jed Rubenfeld Jan. 9, 2022 5:20 pm ET SAVE PRINT TEXT 2,068 ILLUSTRATION: DAVID GOTHARD Listen to article Length7 minutes Queue Federal courts considering the Biden administration’s vaccination mandates—including the Supreme…
Treat early. Treat everyone. Treat safely. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are even used in pregnancy. They shut the disease process down. Refuse to rely on vaccines, whose efficacy at preventing infections, spread, and late complications is unknown, and whose ability to prevent neurologic complications is unknown. It is even possible the spike protein coded by the…
It’s not that hard to read between the lines… These slides I made for a talk 2 years ago this month.
As I expected, the UK’s Chris Whitty decided, against the advice of his vaccine advisory committee, to give 12-15 year olds the Covid vaccine. But only one dose, since about 75% of the myocarditis cases occur after the second dose. Who is this Dr. Whitty? Wikipedia says his dad was murdered by the Abu Nidal…