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More Anthrax Vaccine Stockpiled for Civilians: Cost $1.25 Billion
Read it an weep; each American is paying $4.00 for their share of this stockpile of poison. press release Oct. 3, 2011, 7:00 a.m. EDT Emergent Biosolutions Receives Award to Supply 44.75 Million Doses of BioThrax to US Government Over Five Years ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct 03, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Emergent BioSolutions Inc. /quotes/zigman/429174/quotes/nls/ebs EBS…
The Guardian runs a One Health propaganda narrative today. WHY would you want to “phase out intensive farming” when famines are being pedicted?
I have reproduced the second half of an article in today’s Guardian, which is clearly a propaganda piece of the type I warned about yesterday, blaming humans for pandemics and suggesting that the way forward is with One Health, more financing for public health, more focus on climate change, and reducing intensive agriculture and logging. …
Too little, too late: Disband the CDC now/ NY Post
Has the tide turned? Not yet, because the anger would be deafening. But the ship is slowly turning. People are realizing the incredible lies they have been told by government and all mainstream media. It starts with the NY Post but it won’t end there… See how the CDC issued worthless new recommendations last week,…
Now the NIH and major media are dribbling out some pandemic truths within a continued fog of confusion/ WaPo I. NIH research published today finds antibody evidence of SARS-2 infection in US earlier than previously thought. 1. Why did it take NIH so long to do this experiment, or perhaps to tell us? These antibody tests take only a few minutes to perform. The blood was drawn more than 15 months ago. 2. Why is…
CORONA VIRUS update: Fomites, PPE, Mortality
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Gilead’s COVID-19 hopeful remdesivir may get swift Japanese approval
From FierceBiotech: “Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to grant Gilead Sciences’ experimental COVID-19 drug remdesivir a special, speedy approval, despite it failing to show any definitive clinical signs that it works. The report, from Japanese news site Kyodo, could make Japan the first country in the world to approve the med, which was…