More Anthrax Vaccine Stockpiled for Civilians: Cost $1.25 Billion
Read it an weep; each American is paying $4.00 for their share of this stockpile of poison.

Read it an weep; each American is paying $4.00 for their share of this stockpile of poison.
Everybody knows some things are good for health and some things are bad. Yet one rarely learns the magnitude of the positive or negative effect, making it impossible to take the logical approach, which is to balance risks and benefits as we make all sorts of choices. For example, how much benefit will I receive… Perhaps in response to this very interesting news report on Pfizer’s fallout with Brazil and Argentina, today’s NY Times did a hit piece on Brazil’s “painfully slow” rollout of its Covid vaccination campaign. And complained about Bolsonaro spending money on “unproven drug treatments” like hydroxychloroquine. Can you imagine, the NYT chortles derisively, that Bolsonaro… Why Americans don’t trust vaccine makers George Danby | BDN By Meryl Nass, Special to the BDN • March 28, 2019 8:39 amUpdated: March 28, 2019 8:53 am Trust in the pharmaceutical business hit a low in 2018. Only 38 percent of those Americans polled by the Edelman Trust Barometer said they trusted the industry. Some of the reasons for…
Vaccine injuries are real. They can be serious and often fail to respond to treatment. The most serious injuries are usually to the brain. Vaccine injuries may cause death. The US’ federal vaccine injury compensation program has paid out $3.18 billion dollars in compensation for vaccine injuries since the program was established in 1988. Yet with…
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Given the money spent on anthrax and bio-research following the anthrax attacks, the research to try to duplicate the physical, chemical and biological properties of the letter anthrax should be continued to completion. That means matching all the measured characteristics of the letter anthrax.
Physicists are getting results they don't want at CERN. They are not getting the mass of the Higgs boson they want. They don't just close down the machine after spending over a billion dollars to build it.
Nor should the effort to duplicate the letter anthrax's physical, chemical and biological properties be abandoned. The money spent after the anthrax attacks was to improve the ability to measure and identify through the physical, chemical and biological properties of a sample of anthrax. So they should complete the experiment by finding a way to replicate the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the letter anthrax.