More Anthrax Vaccine Stockpiled for Civilians: Cost $1.25 Billion

Read it an weep; each American is paying $4.00 for their share of this stockpile of poison.

Oct. 3, 2011, 7:00 a.m. EDT
Emergent Biosolutions Receives Award to Supply 44.75 Million Doses of BioThrax to US Government Over Five Years

ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct 03, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Emergent BioSolutions Inc. /quotes/zigman/429174/quotes/nls/ebs EBS +11.15% today announced that, in response to solicitation RFP-2011-N-13414, it has received an award to supply the U.S. government with 44.75 million doses of BioThrax(R) (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed) over a period of five years for a total value of up to $1.25 billion. BioThrax is the only vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to protect against anthrax infection…

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One Comment

  1. Given the money spent on anthrax and bio-research following the anthrax attacks, the research to try to duplicate the physical, chemical and biological properties of the letter anthrax should be continued to completion. That means matching all the measured characteristics of the letter anthrax.

    Physicists are getting results they don't want at CERN. They are not getting the mass of the Higgs boson they want. They don't just close down the machine after spending over a billion dollars to build it.

    Nor should the effort to duplicate the letter anthrax's physical, chemical and biological properties be abandoned. The money spent after the anthrax attacks was to improve the ability to measure and identify through the physical, chemical and biological properties of a sample of anthrax. So they should complete the experiment by finding a way to replicate the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the letter anthrax.

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