Since 2010, prescription overdose deaths dropped slightly while heroin overdose deaths tripled/ CDC

Allen McDuffee of Raw provides this tidbit, indicating Karl Rove knew the vaccine was problematic based on materials from Ross Perot.
I have worked with investigative reporter Sam Husseini to help with background information on biodefense, biological warfare, lab escapes. Sam was featured in this 1 hour documentary about gain of function research, biolabs, and the origin of SARS-CoV-2. He provides a profound and detailed discussion of these subjects in this extremely worthwhile film, made by…
And pay WHO 0.1% of the rich world GNP Meryl Nass Sep 19 Start at minute 20:00 and listen to 23:20. Or better yet, read my transcription below. Globalist extraordinaire Jeffrey Sachs read the following on September 15, 2022, regarding the conclusion of the Lancet COVID committee report: “We don’t want laboratory-created pandemics, and…
The following article is from Lockdown Skeptics: This morning I wrote that despite the British Covid variant – supposedly much more deadly and contagious – being dominant in the UK since December, positive cases peaked 10 days before the January lockdown, and instead of a Christmas surge, infections plummeted in January and also failed to spike in schools when they reopened in March….
Whatever happened to that Ebola czar? He could, if he wanted, cut through any red tape blocking the sharing of new Ebola samples (which in some cases do not even have to be live, and therefore shipping issues should disappear) in a few minutes. I doubt this is a red tape issue. Blocking even…
The scoop on bullet wounds is very simple: fired from a long distance, the bullet enters an object making a small entry wound, usually the size of the bullet, and leaves the object with an exit wound the same size or, usually, larger. From the medical website “Explore Forensics“: Exit wounds – as we have…