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Doctors don’t understand how to use the drug USG paid $Billions for, so now pharmacists will be prescribing it. How much evidence do you need that the federal health agencies are not out for good? They really want to get the trashy drugs into us.
Doctors are clamoring for more clarity on Paxlovid prescribing amid Covid-19 rebound concerns By Edward ChenJuly 7, 2022 Reprints + A patient with pills of Paxlovid. Six months after the emergency use authorization of Paxlovid for high-risk Covid patients, physicians say prescribing still isn’t clear-cut.ALEX WELSH/THE NEW YORK TIMES Six months after regulators issued an emergency…
Syria’s chemical weapons attack(s) an Erdogan False Flag/ Seymour Hersh
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Evidence anthrax vaccine causes heart attacks
Many (young) soldiers have had heart attacks after anthrax vaccinations. Could the two be related? The Army Medical Surveillance Activity (AMSA) compiled data on over 300,000 recipients of anthrax vaccine, and looked at their rates of heart attacks before and after anthrax vaccinations. This data was shared with the Institute of Medicine in 2001 at…
Unused German swine flu vaccine goes up in smoke (about 250 million Euros worth)/ The Local
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EU agency flags narcolepsy risk on GSK flu shot/ Reuters
From Reuters today: European regulators have recommended changes to the product label for GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK.L) pandemic flu vaccine Pandemrix to highlight the potential risk of narcolepsy in children or adolescents. The decision is based on preliminary results of studies from Finland, Sweden and France suggesting a possible link between the vaccine and the rare sleeping…
Doctors don’t understand how to use the drug USG paid $Billions for, so now pharmacists will be prescribing it. How much evidence do you need that the federal health agencies are not out for good? They really want to get the trashy drugs into us.
Doctors are clamoring for more clarity on Paxlovid prescribing amid Covid-19 rebound concerns By Edward ChenJuly 7, 2022 Reprints + A patient with pills of Paxlovid. Six months after the emergency use authorization of Paxlovid for high-risk Covid patients, physicians say prescribing still isn’t clear-cut.ALEX WELSH/THE NEW YORK TIMES Six months after regulators issued an emergency…
Syria’s chemical weapons attack(s) an Erdogan False Flag/ Seymour Hersh
Seymour Hersh provides a very plausible deconstruction of how chemical weapons were used in an attempt to draw the United States into military engagement with Syria last year—by the Turkish government in cahoots with anti-Assad Syrian rebels. Hopefully you have heard about the leaked YouTube audiotape in which planning for a Syria false flag attack is…
Biden Vaccine Mandate for Contractors Blocked Nationwide/Bloomberg Law The Biden administration’s mandate for federal contractors’ employees to be vaccinated will be halted nationwide, amid a slew of challenges from states that say the president overstepped his authority in requiring the Covid-19 shots. Led by Georgia, the seven states that challenged the mandate set to take effect on Jan. 4 are likely to…
Evidence anthrax vaccine causes heart attacks
Many (young) soldiers have had heart attacks after anthrax vaccinations. Could the two be related? The Army Medical Surveillance Activity (AMSA) compiled data on over 300,000 recipients of anthrax vaccine, and looked at their rates of heart attacks before and after anthrax vaccinations. This data was shared with the Institute of Medicine in 2001 at…
Unused German swine flu vaccine goes up in smoke (about 250 million Euros worth)/ The Local
… But the [2009 swine] flu was much milder than expected, and this, combined with safety fears over the new vaccine, led to only around seven percent of Germans opting to get the vaccine. Germany actually purchased two different types of swine flu vaccine: one with a novel adjuvant (that used less antigen and instead…
EU agency flags narcolepsy risk on GSK flu shot/ Reuters
From Reuters today: European regulators have recommended changes to the product label for GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK.L) pandemic flu vaccine Pandemrix to highlight the potential risk of narcolepsy in children or adolescents. The decision is based on preliminary results of studies from Finland, Sweden and France suggesting a possible link between the vaccine and the rare sleeping…
Doctors don’t understand how to use the drug USG paid $Billions for, so now pharmacists will be prescribing it. How much evidence do you need that the federal health agencies are not out for good? They really want to get the trashy drugs into us.
Doctors are clamoring for more clarity on Paxlovid prescribing amid Covid-19 rebound concerns By Edward ChenJuly 7, 2022 Reprints + A patient with pills of Paxlovid. Six months after the emergency use authorization of Paxlovid for high-risk Covid patients, physicians say prescribing still isn’t clear-cut.ALEX WELSH/THE NEW YORK TIMES Six months after regulators issued an emergency…
Syria’s chemical weapons attack(s) an Erdogan False Flag/ Seymour Hersh
Seymour Hersh provides a very plausible deconstruction of how chemical weapons were used in an attempt to draw the United States into military engagement with Syria last year—by the Turkish government in cahoots with anti-Assad Syrian rebels. Hopefully you have heard about the leaked YouTube audiotape in which planning for a Syria false flag attack is…
Biden Vaccine Mandate for Contractors Blocked Nationwide/Bloomberg Law The Biden administration’s mandate for federal contractors’ employees to be vaccinated will be halted nationwide, amid a slew of challenges from states that say the president overstepped his authority in requiring the Covid-19 shots. Led by Georgia, the seven states that challenged the mandate set to take effect on Jan. 4 are likely to…
Evidence anthrax vaccine causes heart attacks
Many (young) soldiers have had heart attacks after anthrax vaccinations. Could the two be related? The Army Medical Surveillance Activity (AMSA) compiled data on over 300,000 recipients of anthrax vaccine, and looked at their rates of heart attacks before and after anthrax vaccinations. This data was shared with the Institute of Medicine in 2001 at…
Unused German swine flu vaccine goes up in smoke (about 250 million Euros worth)/ The Local
… But the [2009 swine] flu was much milder than expected, and this, combined with safety fears over the new vaccine, led to only around seven percent of Germans opting to get the vaccine. Germany actually purchased two different types of swine flu vaccine: one with a novel adjuvant (that used less antigen and instead…
EU agency flags narcolepsy risk on GSK flu shot/ Reuters
From Reuters today: European regulators have recommended changes to the product label for GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK.L) pandemic flu vaccine Pandemrix to highlight the potential risk of narcolepsy in children or adolescents. The decision is based on preliminary results of studies from Finland, Sweden and France suggesting a possible link between the vaccine and the rare sleeping…