The Economic Standard’s white paper on HCQ
Justin Palk, Frederick News-Post From World War II through 1975, thousands of service members and veterans were potentially exposed to chemical or biological weapons as subjects or observers of tests carried out by the Department of Defense. The department unveiled a new website Monday to provide information about what happened during those tests. The…
Here is a very good start at diagnosing inherent problems in the medical research enterprise, and suggestions for correcting them.–Meryl BMJ 2017; 357 doi: (Published 20 June 2017) Carl Heneghan, director1, Kamal R Mahtani, deputy director1, Ben Goldacre, director EBM DataLab1, Fiona Godlee, editor in chief2, Helen Macdonald, head of education2, Duncan Jarvies, multimedia editor2 A response to…
Surveillance for Safety After Immunization: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — United States, 1991–2001 Surveillance Summaries January 24, 2003 / 52(ss01);1-24 This CDC compilation of adverse event reporting information: – Vol 52, No 1;1 tells us that anthrax vaccine had the highest reporting rate of adverse events for any currently licensed US vaccine,…
Millions more doses of swine flu vaccine were recalled this week after routine tests found they weren’t strong enough to meet minimum public health standards for protection against the virus. In a previous post, I cited literature that showed the nasal vaccine had been only 29% effective in adults in a previous year, even when…
GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization has rejected as “irresponsible” allegations that swine flu is a fake pandemic. WHO also dismissed claims it colluded with drug companies to bring economic benefit to the industry by playing up the danger of the new H1N1 influenza strain. WHO officials met Tuesday with the Parliamentary Assembly of…
The Washington Post claimed last week: ‘Swine flu’ strain returns; dramatic rise in deaths of young adults, children. But CDC does not collect info on young adult deaths. It does collect info on child deaths, however. And it collects data on hospitalizations. It is actually the 50-64 year olds who are suffering more hospitalizations this…