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This Greek MD who lives in the US appeared on TV here claiming that the disease caused by the delta variant is WORSE, and that it's able to get around any antibodies created by recovering from Covid or created via vaccination:
So basically, he's telling the vaccinated that they could get sick and die from the delta variant, which is 'worse'. However, he says that vaccinations should nevertheless speed up. More people need to be vaccinated. Oh, and we also need to keep wearing masks, even outside etc.
Is it just me or does all this seemed designed to cause fear and chaos? Is that why they had him appear on TV?
His claim about how the delta variant produces a disease that's worse than the original is one I have not seen anyone else make. Other doctors are saying the opposite.
Here's his bio. George N. Pavlakis, M.D., Ph.D:
Dr Nass, have you seen this post on a FOIA request relative to Ivermectin?
Dr. Nass,
Whatever happened to the mycoplasma fermentnrs incognitus, a weaponized mycoplams, patented by Dr Shyh-Ching-Lo who found it in the kidneys of AIDS patients. He also knew and worked with the Nicolsons our of Baylor… It was discussed by Dr. Garth
Nicolson and others in connection with Gulf War Syndrome. Dr. Nicholson found it in the blood of Gulf War Veterans, prisoners and elderly. Several papers published on this but it just disappeared.
The company that made the anthrax vaccine Bioport, now Emergent Biosolutions is making several covid injections. Are they putting this mycoplasma into the covid injections and/.or
Is this the XMRV of Dr. Judy Mikovits ?