The Delta Helter Skelter. When Dire Delta is the excuse for new lockdowns and vaccine mandates, but the truth keeps dribbling out. Today more news from Israel

‘Helter-skelter’ means ‘in chaotic and disorderly haste’.

It seems a good descriptor of how public health mouthpieces are dealing with the facts oozing out of the public health muck regarding the Delta variant.

Considering that their strategy has been to use Delta to impose ever more harsh and unjustifiable Great Reset measures, their brains must be spinning as they try to spin the latest info from Israel, UK and their own slide deck.

Now things look a lot worse for them than they did in that CDC slide deck.  Check out these official graphs from Israel:  cases rising equally in the vaccinated as the unvaccinated (while the vaccinated are in the majority of the population). But the vaccinated are not being spared severe illness, as claimed by our plucky CDC director. Two thirds of severe cases are occurring in the vaccinated.

How can you spin this into a justification for vaccine mandates?  You can’t. And unless the authorities can prove there is no ADE, getting a booster could just make things a whole lot worse.

[I think we should stop talking about this as a pandemic response. It is a coup, a Reset of the world as we knew it. The so-called pandemic responses simply serve to terrorize the public and prolong the outbreak, as well as prolong and worsen the illness in those for whom early treatment is withheld. ]

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  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that in all probability none or few of the upper echelon crowd, both Democrats and Republican, along with many from the private sector, who have supposedly taken the vaccine did not actually take the vaccine, or those who took it with video proof were injected with either a benign fluid or a retractable needle for the sake of theatrics to encourage the rest of us commoners to take the “jab.”

    It seems strange to me that with the hundreds, perhaps thousands, world-wide, of “commoners” that have suffered from the myriad of life changing, devastating, debilating, and sometimes deadly side effects after taking these vaccines, that not one of this upper echelon class, or their children or elders, that I have heard of have suffered any of these vaccine side effects.

    I am not a statistician, but good old common sense tells me that if all the world’s leaders, VIPs, and other important movers and shakers have indeed taken the real vaccines, as they profess they have, that at least one would have lost their 14 yo child to heart inflamation, or gotten blood clots, loss of motor control, died, or something, which we would have heard of. It appears that not even one percent in this protected class of the 100 percent of world-wide vaccinations given have experienced any reported side effect that I’ve heard about. Why?

    Sorry, but you’re not going to tell me that rich people like Pelosi and others have better immune systems or fewer underlying morbidities than we, the common man, have. Not to mention the thousands of people being brought into our country without any pressure to get the “jab.”

    Covid, I am sure, is a real and dangerous flu, as any flu can potentially be, manufactured or not. But these vaccines are a hoax. Plain and simple.

  2. Do not comply. This will not be fixed from the top down. This is just us against them and if we all say No it will stop.

  3. The UK data (01 Feb 2021 to 19 Jul 2021) for the delta variant, available via the link provided in an earlier post, shows a similar trend:

    Among those 50 years or older who were documented to be positive for the delta variant by genomic sequencing or genotyping, 57.4% were fully vaccinated (i.e., received 2 doses of a COVID vaccine). This information is shown in Table 5, on pages 18 and 19 of the Public Health England report on 23 July 2021 (Tech Briefing 19).

    Of those in this age group presenting for emergency care but not admitted as inpatients, about 50% were fully vaccinated (it ranges from 49.7% to 50.9%, depending on the inclusion criteria – whether the patient was tested on the day of admission or prior to presentation).

    Of those in this age group presenting for emergency care and subsequently admitted as inpatients, between 51.5% and 54% were fully vaccinated.

    Of those in this age group who died (in any setting, regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of a positive test result, 53% were fully vaccinated.

    (The only reason my summary of these data is limited to the over-fifties is because they are the most vaccinated age group in this population, and my point is about how protective – or not! – COVID vaccination has been in the UK.)

    There's more great stuff in this report, such as showing that the "secondary attack rate" (spread amongst contacts) is comparable between the alpha and delta variants (Table 6, pages 30-33), which belies the notion that the delta variant is much more contagious than the alpha.

    I'm still working through the data on reinfection rates for the two predominant variants (alpha and delta), but the summary states that "The risk of reinfection was not elevated for Delta if the primary infection was <180 days (adjusted odds ratio = 0.79, 95% CI 0.49 to1.28) but was higher for those with a prior infection ≥180 days earlier (adjusted odds ratio = 2.37, 95%CI 1.43 to 3.93)."

    For those who are mathematically challenged (like me), 180 days is about 6 months. The adjusted odds ratios factored in vaccination status (any vaccine at least 14 days earlier vs no vaccine). They also factored in age group (< 30 yrs vs. 30+ yrs of age). But why not use 50 yrs of age as the breakpoint?? …

    Anyway, delta doesn't appear to be any worse than alpha (and less so by some measures), and the vaccine doesn't appear to be particularly effective against the delta variant in the UK population.

  4. Dr. Nass, 100% agreed, all along this "pandemic" has been a well-planned pretext for the advancement of the reset agenda. Our challenge now: how to organize and push back, with as much strength as possible.

  5. As several people have pointed out, 'the unvaccinated are a control group in this vast COVID vaccine experiment'. If a year from now, millions and millions of us who didn’t take the shot are obviously still healthy, that’s not going to sit well with the vaccinators-in-charge or the pro-vaccine crowd. They don’t want a vibrant control group. They want compliant robots.

    The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

    Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

    The numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are huge. 'In any situation other than the current fake pandemic, the vaccination program would have been stopped. Cancelled.'

  6. Dear Zombies in the land of Zomberia
    You are frightfully short of criteria
    When to ‘question’ is a cardinal sin.
    It puts you squarely in the Looney bin.

  7. I'm not sure what to make of the data in Hebrew, i.e. the top 2 graphs:

    0 doses is bad, 2 doses is worse, 1 dose gives by far the best outcomes?

    I know dose-response curves aren't always linear, but this is more like 'Jeremy Bearimy'

  8. I reached the same ultimate conclusion about the state of affairs after listening to Dr. Malone’s interview this week—censorship in the age of Covid. The exact same counterintuitive government actions are taking place all around the planet. I haven’t checked, but I suspect what the countries have in common is a connection to WHO.

  9. The graphs are showing total numbers, not percentages. The reason there are so few cases in those with just one dose of vaccine, is because only roughly 10% of the population stopped after one dose.

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