BIG NEWS!!! You cannot be forced to get the Covid vaccine. Here is the way out.

Let me show you how FDA, Pfizer and BioNTech colluded to fool everyone about the EUA status of the vaccine Americans will be offered.  But close reading of their document gives you an escape route.  The “Fact Sheet for Recipients, “dated August 23, 2021, is approved by FDA and is on FDA’s website, and is signed by BioNTech and Pfizer.

Direct quotes from this easy to read 8 page document are below, and I suggest you print the document out, as it will help you avoid a vaccine mandate.  Pay close attention.  I added numbers to the most interesting excerpts.

After stating that you might receive the licensed vaccine or a vaccine under EUA in item 2, item 6 indicates that both the licensed vaccine AND the EUA vaccine are both under EUA.  (This may be the way chosen to shield the licensed vaccine from liability.) Item 5 says that while under EUA, it is your choice whether or not to receive the vaccine.

Show this document to your college, your hospital, your boss. They cannot force you to receive either of these vaccines!


1.  The FDA-approved COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series.[1]

2. You are being offered either COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) or the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2.

3. The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.


5.  Under the EUA, it is your choice to receive or not receive the vaccine. Should you decide not to receive it, it will not change your standard medical care.

6.  This EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and COMIRNATY will end when the Secretary of HHS determines that the circumstances justifying the EUA no longer exist or when there is a change in the approval status of the product such that an EUA is no longer needed. 

Manufactured by
Pfizer Inc., New York, NY 10017 

Manufactured for
BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH
An der Goldgrube 12
55131 Mainz, Germany
Revised: 23 August 2021 

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  1. I believe you're misreading the document. The COMIRNATY vaccine is fully approved for most people and is also allowed under EUA for some other categories. For example: children between the ages of 12 and 15. On the other hand this does not mean the COMIRNATY vaccine is generally available in the near future.

  2. More generally about the Covid operation, most people –including scientists, doctors, and other formally educated folks– are rather profoundly perplexed and befuddled by the various absurdities of the Covid crisis (e.g., the back-and-forth shifting of scientific decrees, the censorship of valid data, etc.). They cannot really make sense out of it all.  At best, they can DESCRIBE the absurdities but they cannot explain why it is happening.

    Why is that? It is because they lack pieces of vital knowledge, whose lack hinders and disables accurate coherent full understanding (therefore, it impairs the proper decision-making process and the potential for profound constructive action).

    Those "missing" pieces of knowledge right in front of our noses are described in a comprehensive article  called “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The  Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at

    Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true problem and reality, no real constructive change is possible.

  3. Excellent job. Thank you!!!
    But will You, Ms. Nass, fight against mandate for healthcare in your state?
    My daughter is in the same situation. Can't become unemployed (two small kids) and does not know how to fight hospital where she is working. Please, please, please advice. Thank you

  4. Vegan in UK Covid vaccine exemption factor for better view of big picture?

    What to do with GPs Who Won’t See Unvaccinated Patients
    Well, it had to happen, didn’t it?

    I hear that some GPs are now saying that they will not give face to face consultations (or, presumably, offer home visits) to patients who have not been given the unnecessary covid-19 jab that doesn’t do what people think it does and which has already been shown to have injured or killed millions.

    I am appalled.

    I found it horrifying that GPs didn’t want to see patients but wanted to restrict themselves to phone or video conversations during 2020.

    My friend and colleague Dr Colin Barron agrees with me that you can’t diagnose illnesses with a video consultation. You cannot palpate or auscultate for a start. And phone conversations are just as bad – pretty well useless.

    But refusing to see patients who haven’t been jabbed is beyond disgraceful. I believe it is unethical and immoral – as well as being entirely unjustified.

    Two things.

    First, many of those who rejected the experimental jab did so for solid, medical or moral reasons. The Government has already agreed that vegans do not have to have the jab. People who have had anaphylactic shock reactions shouldn’t have the jab. Doctors who refuse to treat these patients are discriminating. And discrimination is illegal.

    Second, I believe that doctors in the UK who are working for the NHS and who refuse to see patients who haven’t had a specific jab are in breach of their NHS contract. So if your GP says she or he won’t treat un-jabbed patients make a formal complaint to the NHS – immediately. You can find the details of how and where to complain on the internet.

    Third, I think you should also make a formal complaint to the General Medical Council – you can find their details on the internet.

    We have to put a stop to this outrageous nonsense right now.

    Even if you don’t need a doctor now you should make formal complaints immediately. And you should let the doctors concerned know what you are doing.

    Vegans exempt from compulsory Covid vaccinations, legal experts warn

    Vegans would be exempt from compulsory workplace Covid vaccinations and employers risk legal action if they insist workers are double-jabbed, experts say. An estimated half a million Britons who do not consume animal products would not have to adhere to so-called “jabs for jobs” rules under employment laws, it has been claimed. The Covid vaccine does not contain animal products, but all medications currently go through animal testing. Ethical veganism was ruled to be a protected characteristic at a tribunal last year. It means any employers would risk legal action if they order staff to be vaccinated.

    4 weeks ago

  5. The Comirnaty vaccine, though approved, is not currently available. That's why they have to keep giving the unapproved version – and, also, so they don't lose money on the millions of doses that have been manufactured and are still sitting around.

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