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Coronavirus: mortality rates, questionable data, treatment. Part 3
Mortality rates and spread We have had 5 weeks of quarantine. I earlier pointed out that there is an average 4 week lag between exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and death (or recovery) for those with a significant Covid-19 illness. So, if the quarantine was going to work as planned, we should now be able to see… advertises for Gardasil on its home page
Julie Gerberding moved to Merck Vaccines last month and CDC simultaneously decided to focus on cervical cancer. What a coincidence! The only cancer mentioned on CDC’s home page is cervical cancer, and a chart of cervical cancer incidence by ethnicity is the only statistical information on the home page. CDC says, “The PAP test and…
My live blog of the disheartening FDA VRBPAC meeting today. I will be doing this again tomorrow, when the baby vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna are reviewed Here is the location for the FDA livestream of the meeting My liveblog can be found on the Children’s Health Defense website. SORRY for providing a broken link earlier:
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies/Gateway Pundit
Yet another damning email leak. This one is from Francis Collins, NIH Director, to Tony Fauci and Fauci deputies Clifford Lane and Lawrence Tabak. Three of them have MD after their names. One is a dentist by training. They are discussing the Great Barrington Declaration and its 3 authors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford, full…
Narcolepsy caused by swine flu vaccine: 170 Swedish children affected, according to health minister
Narcolepsy has been in the news the past 10 days. Severe disabilities in 31 affected Irish children were reported; 70-100 Finnish children were reported with the disorder after receiving Pandemrix; 86 Norwegian claims have been made; now 170 Swedish children are affected, according to Sweden’s health minister. A Swedish study found the relative risk of…
Jordan Grumet: I Have to Admit It: I Don’t Love Being a Doctor Any More
Here is a short article, by a doctor I don’t know, which explains how the medical ‘system’, which changed during the Obama administration with a bucketload of new demands, has ruined the profession of medicine for doctors, and brought it to its knees for patients.–Meryl I’ll never leave, but the joy is gone, says Jordan…
Coronavirus: mortality rates, questionable data, treatment. Part 3
Mortality rates and spread We have had 5 weeks of quarantine. I earlier pointed out that there is an average 4 week lag between exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and death (or recovery) for those with a significant Covid-19 illness. So, if the quarantine was going to work as planned, we should now be able to see… advertises for Gardasil on its home page
Julie Gerberding moved to Merck Vaccines last month and CDC simultaneously decided to focus on cervical cancer. What a coincidence! The only cancer mentioned on CDC’s home page is cervical cancer, and a chart of cervical cancer incidence by ethnicity is the only statistical information on the home page. CDC says, “The PAP test and…
My live blog of the disheartening FDA VRBPAC meeting today. I will be doing this again tomorrow, when the baby vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna are reviewed Here is the location for the FDA livestream of the meeting My liveblog can be found on the Children’s Health Defense website. SORRY for providing a broken link earlier:
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies/Gateway Pundit
Yet another damning email leak. This one is from Francis Collins, NIH Director, to Tony Fauci and Fauci deputies Clifford Lane and Lawrence Tabak. Three of them have MD after their names. One is a dentist by training. They are discussing the Great Barrington Declaration and its 3 authors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford, full…
Narcolepsy caused by swine flu vaccine: 170 Swedish children affected, according to health minister
Narcolepsy has been in the news the past 10 days. Severe disabilities in 31 affected Irish children were reported; 70-100 Finnish children were reported with the disorder after receiving Pandemrix; 86 Norwegian claims have been made; now 170 Swedish children are affected, according to Sweden’s health minister. A Swedish study found the relative risk of…
Jordan Grumet: I Have to Admit It: I Don’t Love Being a Doctor Any More
Here is a short article, by a doctor I don’t know, which explains how the medical ‘system’, which changed during the Obama administration with a bucketload of new demands, has ruined the profession of medicine for doctors, and brought it to its knees for patients.–Meryl I’ll never leave, but the joy is gone, says Jordan…
Coronavirus: mortality rates, questionable data, treatment. Part 3
Mortality rates and spread We have had 5 weeks of quarantine. I earlier pointed out that there is an average 4 week lag between exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and death (or recovery) for those with a significant Covid-19 illness. So, if the quarantine was going to work as planned, we should now be able to see… advertises for Gardasil on its home page
Julie Gerberding moved to Merck Vaccines last month and CDC simultaneously decided to focus on cervical cancer. What a coincidence! The only cancer mentioned on CDC’s home page is cervical cancer, and a chart of cervical cancer incidence by ethnicity is the only statistical information on the home page. CDC says, “The PAP test and…
My live blog of the disheartening FDA VRBPAC meeting today. I will be doing this again tomorrow, when the baby vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna are reviewed Here is the location for the FDA livestream of the meeting My liveblog can be found on the Children’s Health Defense website. SORRY for providing a broken link earlier:
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies/Gateway Pundit
Yet another damning email leak. This one is from Francis Collins, NIH Director, to Tony Fauci and Fauci deputies Clifford Lane and Lawrence Tabak. Three of them have MD after their names. One is a dentist by training. They are discussing the Great Barrington Declaration and its 3 authors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford, full…
Narcolepsy caused by swine flu vaccine: 170 Swedish children affected, according to health minister
Narcolepsy has been in the news the past 10 days. Severe disabilities in 31 affected Irish children were reported; 70-100 Finnish children were reported with the disorder after receiving Pandemrix; 86 Norwegian claims have been made; now 170 Swedish children are affected, according to Sweden’s health minister. A Swedish study found the relative risk of…
Jordan Grumet: I Have to Admit It: I Don’t Love Being a Doctor Any More
Here is a short article, by a doctor I don’t know, which explains how the medical ‘system’, which changed during the Obama administration with a bucketload of new demands, has ruined the profession of medicine for doctors, and brought it to its knees for patients.–Meryl I’ll never leave, but the joy is gone, says Jordan…