We seem to have turned the corner on this latest wave, with cases and hospitalizations trending down

Funny that I was only able to find one US news source (a Texas TV station) that carried this AP story. From the Canadian Press: Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Friday that his government won’t buy vaccines for swine flu that have not been properly tested or from producers who won’t take responsibility for…
Here is provide just a snippet. Read the whole article please. Canada’s truckers have opened up a path back to freedom. https://brownstone.org/articles/justin-trudeau-ducks-the-great-trucker-revolt/ “… This is not really or just about vaccine mandates. It’s about what they represent: government taking possession of our lives. If they can force you to get an injection in your arm over…
1. What case would allow this Court to overturn an earlier Court? On what basis? Is there a case the court accepted to which this decision is attached? (I have not looked.) 2. Since there is a long draft (about 100 pages), does that mean the members of the Court have already voted? 3. The…
I would recommend that healthcare workers read the complete article. We are used to outfit #1, but the details for #2 and #3 (especially their removal) are hazy for many of us, since we have never before had to use this level of personal protection to protect ourselves from our patients’ infections. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/10/15/us/changes-to-ebola-protection-worn-by-us-hospital-workers.html Changes to…
This article happens to have been written by the son of a friend, but I read it all the way through because it is amazing. I think it can spark a conversation that will help mend our families–Meryl Coming Clean My experience of the pandemic in South Africa and the case for a more inclusive…
From the Daily Mail, excerpts follow: The investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly would be re-opened under a Tory government, according to a senior Conservative. Shadow Justice Secretary Dominic Grieve said the public has ‘not been reassured’ that the Whitehall scientist took his own life. Mr Grieve said that, if the Tories take…