72% of unvaccinated workers vow to quit if ordered to get vaccinated/ CNN and Kaiser Health
From the Washington Post: According to the Post, 19 of the 76 deaths occurred during the past week. But according to CDC, the 19 deaths actually occurred between July 19 and October 3. They were reported last week. So far, approximately one in a million US children have died from swine flu-associated causes. But only…
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) just issued a report that said the NSA had FISA court permission to spy on less than 100 people (terrorism suspects) in 2016, but it collected information on 150 million phone calls instead. You might ask how NSA whittled down the billions of phone calls made…
A friend confirmed it with the company. I can’t write much, but this 40% might be the beginning of the end, finally, for these fake vaccines and the great reset they were designed to usher in. ———– In another startling move, a group of Kaiser docs and other employees has blown the whistle on Nicola…
Thailand for some reason changed its mind and is now allowing the A-Z vaccine to be used. But two additional European countries (13 total) and Indonesia and Iran have now said “No thanks.” The Astra-Zeneca/ Oxford vaccine (remember, the one that was supposed to be given to the world without profit, until supposedly the…
This is a compilation of the important info I have been dropping as individual tidbits over the past few days regarding states power over health regulation. Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them? The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to…