UK Health Secretary: Boosters for all adults, every 3 months
How long before the stream of refugees is composed of Anglos escaping to Africa?
How long before the stream of refugees is composed of Anglos escaping to Africa?
Another fascinating article on the Israeli anthrax vaccine experiments by Yossi Melman in Haaretz. Excerpts follow. It seems no one in Israel would take any responsibility for the experiment, which is being laid at the feet of (assassinated) former Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin — but no documentary evidence was given to the Israeli Medical Association…
USA Today reported that a CDC study found that anthrax spore killing had not been standardized using control spore samples at Dugway. Tests of different spore concentrations and volumes had not been tested against different radiation doses to ascertain the degree of lethality of the process under varying conditions. It seems remarkable to me that…
Very interesting: the Narcolepsy Association discovered that specific lots were involved, after the Swedish Medical Products Agency denied it. Bad lots may mean that the regulators were not doing their job. If this devastating narcolepsy epidemic was caused by bad lots, liability for the injuries might land on the manufacturer, in this case GSK. From…
On August 7, 2008 Senator Grassley wrote to Attorney General Mukasey and FBI Director Mueller asking them to answer 18 excellent questions about their investigation.
Finally, a knowledgeable former state department insider deconstructs the Syria situation. Read William R. Polk’s entire article in the Atlantic, or just this crucial portion, part 4. Who Are the Possible Culprits and What Would be Their Motivations? Since such information as we have is sketchy and questionable, we should…
TABLE 1. Estimated vaccination coverage* for MMR, DTaP, and varicella vaccines among children enrolled in kindergarten, by vaccine and immunization program — United States and territories, 2017–18 school year Immunization program Kindergarten population† No. (%) surveyed Type of survey conducted§ Local data available online¶ MMR** DTaP†† Varicella 2 doses (%) 4 or 5 doses (%)…
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“We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action.
Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used to Cover Up Effects of COVID Vaccines.
Omicron to be announced as deadliest variant yet???
Looks like they've already been building the narrative in this direction for months now.
If I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, my supposition is they're going to announce that omicron has not only been with us, going undetected, for months, but that it's by far the deadliest strain yet.
I think the narrative they're building is that omicron is almost always either asymptomatic or nearly so, but that it nevertheless does silent cardiovascular damage that often kills the person weeks, months, or even years later.
And thus explaining all the young people keeling over and overflowing out of the emergency rooms. Oh no, it wasn't the vaccine killing them, but a new strain of covid that the tests couldn't detect. So go get vaxxed and we'll have the omicron specific jab ready in time for your first booster! (being sarcastic, if you can't tell)
ETA: They can also claim that people were undetectable by the time they sought medical treatment. I.e. someone gets asymptomatic omicron, then months later shows up to the ER with heart problems (if they don't just drop dead).