What do our brainwashed friends say to this?

A big news story came out today regarding the results of a Lancet study of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. The first author is, naturally, from Harvard. What the authors found were considerably higher rates of arrhythmia and death in the patients who received a chloroquine drug, with even worse outcomes if…
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/biden-covid-vaccine-mandates-unvaccinated-employees/ Biden Offers ‘Flexibility’ as Workers Nationwide Threaten to Quit Rather Than Comply With Vaccine Mandates The Biden administration is now suggesting federal employers and government contractors offer “flexibility” when enforcing COVID vaccine mandates against unvaccinated employees. This announcement is an about-face from the far-reaching rules President Biden laid out in a September speech where he lashed out at…
Twelve thousand deaths have been reported to VAERS, along with hundreds of thousands of injuries. There is only one way to get compensated for an injury, since the manufacturers have had their liability waived. That way is by filing with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. There is a one year statute of limitations after a…
Continuing from the last post: the US had very high rates of Covid compared to many countries, and right now that seems to have been a good thing… since places like Australia and New Zealand seem to want to be able to impose lockdowns for the forseeable future as they pursue the impossible goal of…
Deep Reform: RFK, Jr. to host Health Policy Roundtable — Online, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm ET What is needed to turn around our country’s health policies so they actually improve our health and life expectancy? How do we get there? What is needed to enshrine informed consent and bodily autonomy in the way…
You heard it here first: 1. SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab 2. The 5 authors of the Nature Medicine paper last March 2020 claiming proof of Covid’s natural origin are frauds and the paper is gobbeldygook. Harvard2theBig House posted on this a few days before I did, in March 2020, but as far as I…
A big news story came out today regarding the results of a Lancet study of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. The first author is, naturally, from Harvard. What the authors found were considerably higher rates of arrhythmia and death in the patients who received a chloroquine drug, with even worse outcomes if…
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/biden-covid-vaccine-mandates-unvaccinated-employees/ Biden Offers ‘Flexibility’ as Workers Nationwide Threaten to Quit Rather Than Comply With Vaccine Mandates The Biden administration is now suggesting federal employers and government contractors offer “flexibility” when enforcing COVID vaccine mandates against unvaccinated employees. This announcement is an about-face from the far-reaching rules President Biden laid out in a September speech where he lashed out at…
Twelve thousand deaths have been reported to VAERS, along with hundreds of thousands of injuries. There is only one way to get compensated for an injury, since the manufacturers have had their liability waived. That way is by filing with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. There is a one year statute of limitations after a…
Continuing from the last post: the US had very high rates of Covid compared to many countries, and right now that seems to have been a good thing… since places like Australia and New Zealand seem to want to be able to impose lockdowns for the forseeable future as they pursue the impossible goal of…
Deep Reform: RFK, Jr. to host Health Policy Roundtable — Online, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm ET What is needed to turn around our country’s health policies so they actually improve our health and life expectancy? How do we get there? What is needed to enshrine informed consent and bodily autonomy in the way…
You heard it here first: 1. SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab 2. The 5 authors of the Nature Medicine paper last March 2020 claiming proof of Covid’s natural origin are frauds and the paper is gobbeldygook. Harvard2theBig House posted on this a few days before I did, in March 2020, but as far as I…
A big news story came out today regarding the results of a Lancet study of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. The first author is, naturally, from Harvard. What the authors found were considerably higher rates of arrhythmia and death in the patients who received a chloroquine drug, with even worse outcomes if…
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/biden-covid-vaccine-mandates-unvaccinated-employees/ Biden Offers ‘Flexibility’ as Workers Nationwide Threaten to Quit Rather Than Comply With Vaccine Mandates The Biden administration is now suggesting federal employers and government contractors offer “flexibility” when enforcing COVID vaccine mandates against unvaccinated employees. This announcement is an about-face from the far-reaching rules President Biden laid out in a September speech where he lashed out at…
Twelve thousand deaths have been reported to VAERS, along with hundreds of thousands of injuries. There is only one way to get compensated for an injury, since the manufacturers have had their liability waived. That way is by filing with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. There is a one year statute of limitations after a…
Continuing from the last post: the US had very high rates of Covid compared to many countries, and right now that seems to have been a good thing… since places like Australia and New Zealand seem to want to be able to impose lockdowns for the forseeable future as they pursue the impossible goal of…
Deep Reform: RFK, Jr. to host Health Policy Roundtable — Online, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm ET What is needed to turn around our country’s health policies so they actually improve our health and life expectancy? How do we get there? What is needed to enshrine informed consent and bodily autonomy in the way…
You heard it here first: 1. SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab 2. The 5 authors of the Nature Medicine paper last March 2020 claiming proof of Covid’s natural origin are frauds and the paper is gobbeldygook. Harvard2theBig House posted on this a few days before I did, in March 2020, but as far as I…
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Flattening the variants curves
Two pls, with boosters every so many variants per months perhaps every 3 months lmk pls!!
Billion jabs per year mandatory ordering free of billing charges too!!
The quote going around — attributed to Mark Twain — is that it's easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled.
… but at the same time, "Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right." (Hermione says that to Harry when Percy Weasley finally comes around.)
There will be no convincing some people – and probably many people – no matter what. They've invested too much of themselves in their story to turn back now. I think we'd be wise to prepare for that.