I posted this NIH website info on Informed Consent on May 18, 2019–equally correct today according to the law, while you are being bullied out of this right
What Treatments Need Informed Consent?
What Should Occur During the Informed Consent Process?
What is Your Role in the Informed Consent Process?
Other Tips
A second official advisory panel tells the government its NSA bulk collection of data is illegal and furthermore, has shown no benefit in fighting terrorism. From NBC: A government advisory panel said Thursday that the bulk data collection program run by the National Security Agency is illegal and should be halted. Recommendations by the…
Will anthrax vaccine eventually become part of the childhood vaccine schedule? When we are now vaccinating children for many diseases that they have less than a million in one chance of catching, why not add anthrax vaccine? Those diseases American children aren’t being exposed to are diphtheria, rubella, and polio. There were only 8 meningitis…
1. Normal people have no interest in killing children, especailly ones they do not know, especially in large numbers. 2. In my view, only people subject to mind control (please investigate Sirhan Sirhan or read about US intelligence agency attempts to create mind controlled assassins beginning in the 1950s) or people taking certain drugs, or…
Two years ago a bill was brought to the Maine legislature asking for a list of ingredients to be provided to parents with each childhood vaccination. I wrote in support of it then. A similar bill was again presented in the legislature, and I have written again in its support. I also enclosed a copy…
The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) calls for an investigation ofconflicts of interest at Federal Agencies which spearheaded the excessive,expensive, and unjustifiable federal expenditure in response to the false SwineFlu “pandemic” in the U.S. Indeed, “off the record”, CDC even stage-managed media coverage of the epidemic. Issues requiring investigation: 1. BARDA (the Biomedical Advanced…
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Legal experts around the World are agreeing that employers would be liable under the international Nuremberg Laws and Helsinki Code of Human Rights. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and to say “I was only obeying orders” is no excuse in the eyes of the law. Those experiencing coercion to be jabbed can find their legal rights listed out at: ‘Informed Consent Campaign — Know Your Rights When Pressured By The Authorities’ https://informed-consent-campaign.10web.me/
Even if you’re not in this position yourself, do please bookmark this site and share it with others.
Also worth watching imho is an interview with Anna De Buisseret – a retired British army officer and a senior employment lawyer. Although she speaks from a UK perspective as to what action employees can take there are similar employment laws in other countries.
'Vaccine victory in Florida…'
What's the "most" about in "most vaccines"?
on this note – The FDA's documentation response to the phmpt.org FOIA request for Pfizer data had been quietly distributed a couple weeks ago. They're still gating but did release Pfizer's initial post-authorization adverse events summary report. Pfizer acknowledges a very high rate of incidents.
See: 'Post marketing experience' for tables and graphs & here's a good walkthrough – he's into the data @ 13:00