Uk’s Office of National Statistics estimates that 1 in 20 Londoners had COVID in the week of December 13-19
59% of the UK aged 12 and above has already received their third shot. Has it helped?
Below is a breakdown for estimated cases that week:
London 1 in 20
England 1 in 35
Wales 1 in 45
Northern Ireland 1 in 40
Scotland 1 in 65
Here in Ontario the case rate per 100k in vaxxed has surpassed that in unvaxxed yet QR codes for vax passports come into effect this week and we remain locked out of many public spaces, as friends and family continue to fret that our lack of vaccination is putting them at risk.
Experimental ‘vaxxer’ freaks are a public nuisance.
‘Eight heart inflammation cases among young kids who got COVID-19 shot – U.S. CDC’
‘Aussie federal government quietly begins compensating people for adverse reactions to COVID vaccines’
American thinker