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  1. Best explanation ever on the summary of the EUA, Comirnaty license. I'm still fuzzy how the addition of children under 16 vaccine rollout plays into this.

  2. Great interview — as usual — I like how Carrigan gets out of your way. I also appreciated his question, what can people do to help *you*? Although you demurred, if there is ever any specific help and/or actions that would be helpful to you personally, please let us know.

  3. When we get to the question of how to rescue our beleaguared Constitution, I would personally suggest we collectively embrace and reinvigorate the efforts of "Move to Amend". Very simply, (1) Corporations are not people; (2) Money is not speech. These are the principles we need enshrine in law, to break free from the grip of oligarchs and moneyed-interests that have been undermining our democracy for years now. See for background and more information.

  4. Has Reiner Fullmich interviewed you Dr. Nass? As I watched this interview I thought because of the wealth of information you have he really MUST interview you (for his international legal campaign).

    I think he interviewed Dr. Malone and RFK Jr., so friends of yours he's interviewed.

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