What do Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and Peter Daszak have in common? A lesson in propaganda
This is the only blog post (of >2,000) that Google ever removed from my blog. Curious choice, eh?
Joni Mitchell jumped on the Neil Young (“I’m packing up my toys and going home”) bandwagon, and she too is obtaining inordinate free publicity as a result. Especially from my favorite CIA rag, the Guardian.
What did Joni just say?
“Irresponsible people are spreading lies that are costing people their lives,” she said in a message posted on her website. “I stand in solidarity with Neil Young and the global scientific and medical communities on this issue.”
What did Peter Daszak say 24 months earlier? Peter is CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, a CIA-connected money-laundering firm that gets paid by at least 5 federal agencies to collect and design new biowarfare viruses in 31 countries. Peter was the secret author of the Lancet Correspondence, February 2020, which was written to kill off the lab origin hypothesis by painting it as a conspiracy theory:
“We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health… Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice…”
Pay close attention to the words they chose and the images these words were meant to convey. Could Joni and Peter have aligned so closely by accident? Unh unh. Did someone nudge a couple of Canadian rockers to trash talk Joe Rogan just when Canada’s fearsome truckers were trying to save the world from a totalitarian takeover by encircling Ottawa, on this very day? Trying to grab a bite of the Canadian news cycle, using a couple of elderly musicians who maybe took a few hits too many to craft their own statements?
I suspect Peter and Joni are backed by the same PR firm or publicist. Could it be Edelman?
What did Joni and Peter (or their handlers) do to demand they be taken seriously, to demean those who disagreed, and craft a position that no one could take issue with? They didn’t actually say very much. Instead, they elicited the following images. They used very specially chosen code words, which I bolded.
1. Grabbed the “saving lives” high road. We are with those who save lives. The Others cost lives.
2. Grabbed a spot in solidarity with the overwhelming majority of medical experts and scientific good guys, globally.
3. We are the truth-tellers. The Others tell lies and spread conspiracy theories.
Now that I have shown you how this is done, there is no excuse to ever fall for this again, no matter which blonde or bald guy comes up with this balderdash. Sorry to harp on this, but I think it is a very important lesson.
By the way, what has Neil Young been smokin’? He claims to be against censorship and in favor of free speech. Hello? Darrell Hannah, Neil’s current wife, would you please show the guy a dictionary? Can he really be this clueless?
In a statement on his website on Friday, Young reiterated his objections to Rogan’s podcast and took a swipe at Spotify’s sound quality. He also said he supported free speech.
“I support free speech. I have never been in favor of censorship,” it said. “Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information.”
James Lyons-Weiler pointed out that Neil Young also issued a well-crafted propaganda nothingburger, claiming he is “in solidarity” with people like Drs. McCullough, Malone and me, who are desperately trying to save lives, when he is in fact standing with the Dr. Mengeles of today:
“I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”
Neil, you don’t get to grab the high road because you moved to a more expensive streaming platform and got a bunch of free publicity. The real Canadian heroes are saving the world in Ottawa right now. Wake up. Get your head out of the sand…or wherever it is buried.
It is said by April Hunter that Blackstone owns half Neil’s catalogue. Tessa Lena has more on that and even a role for Pfizer. If you did not think this was a propaganda putsch, Tedros came out to applaud Neil Young. That ought to settle the issue.