An interview with KPFA from February 2022
Here’s an interview I did a little while ago. It chops off some of the final words in some sentences. My section starts at 38:40
Here’s an interview I did a little while ago. It chops off some of the final words in some sentences. My section starts at 38:40
In the past day, I heard that 12 year olds in Massachusetts are being vaccinated without parental consent. Last year, the City Council and Mayor of Washington, D.C. signed off on a law that would allow 11 year olds to be vaccinated without parental permission. Now I see that was a prelude to taking Covid…
In early December, I had a very high risk patient for whom I had already prescribed ivermectin pre-COVID, but I had suggested getting him hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) when he got COVID, because he was at such high risk of an adverse outcome. I had also prescribed supplements and vitamins. When the patient called me with COVID,…
Hepatitis B is a serious disease. It is highly prevalent in many countries in Asia (nearly 10% of Chinese carried the illness in 1992), but fortunately is of low prevalence in the US. Per CDC, the overall reported US incidence rate for 2013 was 1.0 case per 100,000 population. After adjusting for under-ascertainment and under-reporting,…
Interestingly, Newsweek put a video of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, saying a small number of naysaying professionals are criminals, responsible for the deaths of millions, at the top of this article. They did not say Bourla’s vaccine is injuring and killing people, nor did they say Bourla himself admits it no longer works. Nor did…
March 1, 2022 Dear Chairperson and Members of the Senate Health and Social Services committee: Thank you for allowing me to present some of the latest information on COVID vaccinations, made public yesterday by New York’s Department of Health and by the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care, today. The data from over 365,000 children…
First came the Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine suppression In 2020, I compiled a list of over 50 ways authorities and pharma companies in multiple countries stopped the use of the chloroquine drugs for COVID. This was (and is) a stunning collection, which has been widely read and reproduced on many websites. When you read it, you are astounded…