Defeat the Mandates! Sunday April 10 in LA. Incredible lineup of speakers. Watch live at The Highwire
“We had to do something about swine flu!” And so the makers of Tamiflu (oseltamvir) are several billion dollars richer. As the BMJ (a.k.a. British Medical Journal) put it in 2005: “From a bit of a dud to the world’s most sought after drug in the space of six months, surely Roche cannot believe its…
In order to meet the requirements of 45 CFR 46.407, a federal advisory panel must review the proposed pediatric research, agree that it will provide important generalizable knowledge, and that children participating in the research will be protected from taking dangerous risks. DHHS has convened the necessary panel, which will meet to discuss details of…
Current MATH and iMASK Protocols for treatment (at any stage of Covid, including late stage) as well as highly effective prophylaxis of Covid-19 Press conference presented by highly credentialed medical school professors, calling themselves the Frontline COVID19 Critical Care Alliance, to discuss emerging evidence for economical and widely available therapeutic options including ivermectin for…
The scope of this epidemic does not fit all the data we have been given. The Rzero number has to be greater than 2.2, much greater, to get so many cases so quickly in Wuhan and Lombardy, if the earliest case occurred in November-December, and the doubling time of the epidemic is 6 days. The…
Email Share Tweet Save More Dick Cheney. CreditWin McNamee/Getty Images From the Sunday NY Times of December 21: Since the day President Obama took office, he has failed to bring to justice anyone responsible for the torture of terrorism suspects — an official government program conceived and carried out in the years after the attacks of…
Injuries to older children and adults following COVID vaccination include death, heart damage, stroke and reproductive harms November 01, 2021 16:18 ET | Source: Children’s Health Defense Washington, DC, Nov. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Meryl Nass, MD have sent a letter to each…