Not again ,Twitter. Locked out for a week. So much for the Elon Musk effect.
July 21, 2022 COVID-19: How Many Boosters Should I Get? I hope you are able to find what you need—essential shortages are likely. One thing not in short supply is COVID boosters—and possibly mandates to get them. The promise that the vaccines would end the pandemic has proved to be a…
Four incorrect (but widely repeated) claims were made by Maine representatives to justify getting rid of religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. Here I list them and provide documentation to show why they are wrong. 1. “Only 6 states have higher opt-out rates.” “We have one of the worst vaccination rates in the country.” The CDC published vaccination…
The following paper was written by CDC scientists in 1999. J Infect Dis. 1999 Feb;179 Suppl 1:S92-7. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: risk factors for patients without a reported exposure. Roels TH1, Bloom AS, Buffington J, Muhungu GL, Mac Kenzie WR, Khan AS, Ndambi R, Noah DL, Rolka HR, Peters CJ, Ksiazek TG. Author information Abstract In 1995, 316 people became…
Excerpt from original story in The Oregonian indicates extensive contacts and debriefs between Haigwood and the FBI over 6 years. Although agents were close-mouthed with almost everyone else during this investigation, they apparently opened their case files for Dr. Haigwood: “Haigwood, who researches HIV transmission and vaccines, said she contacted the FBI shortly after the…
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Howard McKeon, (R-California), speaks to reporters following a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, May 21, 2013. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta From Wired: An excerpt, but suggest you read the whole story and see where your rep fell. The numbers tell the story — in votes and…
July 21, 2022 COVID-19: How Many Boosters Should I Get? I hope you are able to find what you need—essential shortages are likely. One thing not in short supply is COVID boosters—and possibly mandates to get them. The promise that the vaccines would end the pandemic has proved to be a…
Four incorrect (but widely repeated) claims were made by Maine representatives to justify getting rid of religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. Here I list them and provide documentation to show why they are wrong. 1. “Only 6 states have higher opt-out rates.” “We have one of the worst vaccination rates in the country.” The CDC published vaccination…
The following paper was written by CDC scientists in 1999. J Infect Dis. 1999 Feb;179 Suppl 1:S92-7. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: risk factors for patients without a reported exposure. Roels TH1, Bloom AS, Buffington J, Muhungu GL, Mac Kenzie WR, Khan AS, Ndambi R, Noah DL, Rolka HR, Peters CJ, Ksiazek TG. Author information Abstract In 1995, 316 people became…
Excerpt from original story in The Oregonian indicates extensive contacts and debriefs between Haigwood and the FBI over 6 years. Although agents were close-mouthed with almost everyone else during this investigation, they apparently opened their case files for Dr. Haigwood: “Haigwood, who researches HIV transmission and vaccines, said she contacted the FBI shortly after the…
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Howard McKeon, (R-California), speaks to reporters following a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, May 21, 2013. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta From Wired: An excerpt, but suggest you read the whole story and see where your rep fell. The numbers tell the story — in votes and…
July 21, 2022 COVID-19: How Many Boosters Should I Get? I hope you are able to find what you need—essential shortages are likely. One thing not in short supply is COVID boosters—and possibly mandates to get them. The promise that the vaccines would end the pandemic has proved to be a…
Four incorrect (but widely repeated) claims were made by Maine representatives to justify getting rid of religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. Here I list them and provide documentation to show why they are wrong. 1. “Only 6 states have higher opt-out rates.” “We have one of the worst vaccination rates in the country.” The CDC published vaccination…
The following paper was written by CDC scientists in 1999. J Infect Dis. 1999 Feb;179 Suppl 1:S92-7. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995: risk factors for patients without a reported exposure. Roels TH1, Bloom AS, Buffington J, Muhungu GL, Mac Kenzie WR, Khan AS, Ndambi R, Noah DL, Rolka HR, Peters CJ, Ksiazek TG. Author information Abstract In 1995, 316 people became…
Excerpt from original story in The Oregonian indicates extensive contacts and debriefs between Haigwood and the FBI over 6 years. Although agents were close-mouthed with almost everyone else during this investigation, they apparently opened their case files for Dr. Haigwood: “Haigwood, who researches HIV transmission and vaccines, said she contacted the FBI shortly after the…
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Howard McKeon, (R-California), speaks to reporters following a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, May 21, 2013. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta From Wired: An excerpt, but suggest you read the whole story and see where your rep fell. The numbers tell the story — in votes and…
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Object Lesson on Predatory Capitalism.
These, e.g. Twit, FB, etc. & rich men owning their big 'toys': use them for fun and profit.
Rich men and their big 'toys' partner with their ilk for bigger capital accumulation [e.g. big pharma, big gummit, et al.] — first to define reality; second for big tyranny.
Their 'success' assume we orient ourselves to depend on the above — to define reality: which, at heart of the matter. . . [for such criminal and military-criminal operations to succeed].
Plastic reality thus created — the key point: from this spring, and a function of, plastic tyranny.
One obvious consequence: when [if] we and as individuals accept their wholly created [albeit, objectively false] plastic reality — via accepting their means of producing this via Twit, FB, etc. — then: we and as individuals, by default, accept their plastic tyranny, that come with some of same caveats.
Years and years ago, on a personal note, I fought and fought with big editors and publishers, basically saying: DO NOT accept these sorts of virtual media platforms as essential means to publish news. Otherwise, you, all, as publishers, will lose your autonomy to publish news.
The rest is history, as past two years make most painfully obvious to even the most obtuse.
In social theory, creation of plastic reality is aptly named: Symbolic Interactionism. See George Herbert Mead and Herbert George Blumer for more information.
In nutshell, this is: create beliefs and narratives and once enough not only 'believe' but also 'act' as if these are 'true', then VOILA! This is essence of plastic reality.
We find examples everywhere, just look around.
Excellent recent example is NYTimes roving attempt to dismantle a giant of our times, who is courageous, honest, knowledgeable, wise, and MD.
This example is first and last a morality play. To dictate to general population 'acceptable' action; and more on point: to target 'deviant' action. This is precisely at core of NYT. To dictate morals. Not to have conversation: rather: to dictate morality!
This newspaper's narrative is of great interest to me; a fact-free creation of plastic reality was its big goal.
A small sampling as follows:
[“Robert Malone is exploiting the fact that data-driven course correction is inherent to the scientific process to peddle disinformation. It’s extraordinarily dishonest and morally bankrupt”]
[“Latest Covid Misinformation Star”] [“spreading unfounded claims about the vaccines and the virus”]
[“Dr. Malone joins medical professionals and scientists, like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Judy Mikovits, whose profiles have grown during the pandemic as they spread misinformation about mask-wearing and convoluted conspiracy theories about virus experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci”]
NYT, purveyors of Mass Formation Psychosis are desperate? or something else?
The NYT are actual surrogate agents of FBI and DOJ. To dictate their top-down, suffocating and deadly versions of what's acceptable and what's deviant. Period.
This thing they wrote on Malone is a government operation. Obviously not their first and certainly not their last. Understood in this context, the piling on and on of lies is rational, while simultaneously diabolical in its rationality.
Being plastic in creation and form, it bears no resemblance to reality.
However, the purpose is to create plastic reality so as to have us believe a plastic tyranny.
As Frank Sinatra used to sing: "You can't have one without the other".
"They go together like a horse and carriage. . ."
"It is highly important to recognize that the established patterns of group life just do not carry on by themselves but are dependent for their continuity on recurrent affirmative definition," according to Blumer.
Absent "a return to the empirical social world" our deepening interruption of science and its methods, cleaving ever greater, to a neo stone age?
We the People – Kid Rock
Sad to see this, Dr. Nass. Thank you for speaking truth.
The elites have tons and tons of money to throw behind more and more insane lockdowns, lockouts, and bogus studies (like the recent "Together" study on ivermectin — funded by the Gates Foundation, of course).
Their desperation is palpable. Too bad they also have so much money and power.
@ anonymous
Re "purveyors of Mass Formation Psychosis"
The official framing of this "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses that has been going on since only the 20th century when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people —
One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think it's ALL intentionally sinister. This makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition.
Worst of all, perhaps, the mass formation/mass psychosis notion frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon. Nothing could be further from the truth…
My comment, brief statement on Predatory Capitalism and example of particular, recent consequence, compliments NYTimes' ongoing campaign viz. social deviance; their campaign against dissent, their proxy-governmental role and function in this diabolical campaign.
Anyone following this immediately recognize Dr. Malone on a Joe Rogan podcast said Mass Formation Psychosis. And this immediately followed by usual bag of cronies posing as "fact" "checkers" whose function, opposite of trying to understand phenomena Malone stated.
I used it as reference to this in particular.
Anyone with any basic knowledge of function of propaganda would know that a] this a wide-ranging term; b] is ubiquitous in modern western societies; c] can only be measured on ordinal scale, say a lot, some, not so much, for instance; d] in US, used to such degree, last week big media was bragging about fact they published demonstrably false information about Ukraine War on behalf of US government; e] not all propaganda is intentionally sinister.
On e], this an interesting topic; failing to appreciate raw power abilities between organizations [and national governments] pushing propaganda narratives, for example, would be ignoring essential stuff needed to glean conception.
Also a mistake would be to flatten out any difference, say, when an institution partakes of propaganda, and when an individual or a small group might do so, for whatever reason.
Especially since George Floyd spectacle created by big media on behalf of big tech, we've heard terms such as "structural racism."
Racism, in a similar way to propaganda, can only be fully understood via an institution's role in its propagation.
Institutional racism is a problem precisely because it is an organization that has power over ones ability to work, go to school, be part of society, etc.
That institutions, now, use terms like "structural racism" to nefariously target individuals, to conform to some set of WOKE ideology is problematic and dangerous.
Highly skilled and internationally known MDs and researchers are being targeted with venom by certain institutions and certain national governments — simply for stating the obvious on this entire novelcoronavirus fiasco.
To say Desmet "fails to see that the Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think it's ALL intentionally sinister" is unfortunate conclusion.
On a fundamental level, whether I like it or not, many individuals do not begrudge Pfizer or Moderna for wanting to make as much money as possible.
The FDA in particular is criminally at fault here, as I see it. It is government crimes that enabled Pfizer and Moderna; and government crimes that continue failing to provide free doses of IVT and chloroquines as prophylactic and treatment for anyone of legal drinking age.
Big tech, as well, since they have totally warped public's ability to easily access needed information to make informed decisions.
Big media criminally liable, going along with this "intentionally sinister" perfidy.
Saying Desmet is moral equivalent of Idiot for me at least fails to lead anywhere other than confusing what his research is about, and Malone's reliance on some of it, for his own conclusions.
For me, Karen Horney's theories on Neurosis better explain what's going on.
We are dealing with dynamite.
To say some [false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses] — So what if this or that individual wants someone to believe this or that.
These problems are precisely that: because they are institutionally sanctioned crimes against humanity.
To conflate acts of individuals absent institutional imperatives — even as this a favorite CIA tactic; and NYTimes tactic: a fools errand.