New Hampshire’s Senate to hold hearing on freeing ivermectin from the control of public health agencies. Live free or die, NH!

The bill to turn ivermectin into an OTC drug (no prescription needed) will have a Senate hearing on April 13.

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  1. Proposed bill says: [II. Licensed pharmacists following standing orders may dispense ivermectin to persons in this state without a prior prescription. Pharmacies may charge a fee for consultation with the patient.]

    Dr. Nass, please correct if I am wrong. . . Standing Order in this matter means that if an MD or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse provides to [issues] a particular pharmacy, or a pharmacy chain, a Standing Order to dispense Ivermecting; then: pharmacist "may dispense" it without a prescription.

    Is this accurate? and isn't this, a Standing Order, what allows pharmacies to, say, inject the covid shots? and vaccines?

    In other words, it is a general order to a pharmacy, viz. a particular drug, in this case, IVT, yes?


    Text of bill at


  2. my understanding is that a state health official who can prescribe will issue a statewide standing order, as is done for Narcan, allowing pharmacies to dispense the drug without a prescription written speciically for that individual. Vaccine programs may be conducted under a similar umbrella authority in some places.

    However, the bill ran into some trouble today. But it only requires a majority vote in the Senate.

  3. COVID-19 update – April 14, 2022
    Two new omicron variants are spreading in N.Y. and elsewhere.

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