George Orwell’s “1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual” / Agence France Press
"1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual." This Berlin demonstration occurred in 2014. How prescient.
"1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual." This Berlin demonstration occurred in 2014. How prescient.
Apparently we are not allowed to discuss that, despite lawsuits challenging google and other platforms for First Amendment violations (carrying out the USG agenda)
Apparently we are not allowed to discuss that, despite lawsuits challenging google and other platforms for First Amendment violations (carrying out the USG agenda)
As I said from Day 1, you only have to read these treaties and you will hate them. The globalists only got them this far through secrecy, lies and misdirection.
As I said from Day 1, you only have to read these treaties and you will hate them. The globalists only got them this far through secrecy, lies and misdirection.
Gov't lies about sovereignty grab and says pandemic agreement cannot impose lockdowns, vaccines--because that provision is in the amendments, not the "agreement". (How they weasel word the public)
Gov’t lies about sovereignty grab and says pandemic agreement cannot impose lockdowns, vaccines–because that provision is in the amendments, not the “agreement”. (How they weasel word the public)
Is Israel "normalizing" violent depopulation? No other nation could get away with this.
Is Israel “normalizing” violent depopulation? No other nation could get away with this.
It is really disturbing to see how the press spins things, when you happen to know the subject.
And not an instant too soon. Newspeak is going bye bye
And not an instant too soon. Newspeak is going bye bye