Fauci: US ‘out of the pandemic phase’/ Beckers Hospital Review
“We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase,” Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a televised interview April 26.
The nation’s top infectious disease expert made the statement on PBS’ NewsHour in response to host Judy Woodruff’s question on how close the U.S. is to moving out of COVID-19’s pandemic stage.
“We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase,” Dr. Fauci responded. “Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.
“So, if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. What we hope to do, I don’t believe — and I have spoken about this widely — we’re not going to eradicate this virus. If we can keep that level very low, and intermittently vaccinate people — and I don’t know how often that would have to be, Judy.
“That might be every year, that might be longer, in order to keep that level low. But, right now, we are not in the pandemic phase in this country. Pandemic means a widespread, throughout the world, infection that spreads rapidly among people.”
Dr. Fauci’s remarks coincided with those from Ashish Jha, MD, the White House’s COVID-19 response coordinator, on April 26. In his first appearance at a White House news briefing since he assumed the role, Dr. Jha said the relatively low number of new deaths — around 300 a day — was “still too high,” but noted hospitalizations are at their lowest point in the pandemic. Those figures amid rising COVID-19 case counts suggested a promising turning point, he said.
Dr. Jha also said that ensuring no one in America gets COVID-19 is not the goal.
“That’s not even a policy goal,” he said. “The goal of our policy should be: obviously minimize infections whenever possible, but to make sure people don’t get seriously ill.”
Read transcripts featuring remarks in full from Dr. Fauci here and from Dr. Jha here.
Ok, this is a dumb question because all the injection edicts were illegal in the first place, but: if we are no longer in a pandemic, and there is no longer a public health emergency to use as a justification, it seems like all the injection edicts across the country, in any and all of the various jurisdictions, should immediately be null and void, rescinded, poof, and disappear. Do you see this happening Dr. Nass?
IMHO, the feds want the right to impose masks, distancing, electronic passes and vaccines whenever they please. So they are unlikely to rescind the emergency edicts upon which all the above depend.
At the same time, most of the US is now immune to omicron and there will not be another large omicron ave again.
But another variant, coming out of nowhere as omicron did, could be ahead. Who knows what is in all the high containment labs around the world? No one probably knows.
The USG never admits its mistakes, let alone its deliberate crimes, so my anticipation is that the covid narrative will be allowed to slowly wither away…but it may not.
It hurts my brain how incorrigibly wrong all this is.
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