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  1. 'Bill Gates now admits Covid was little more than the Flu!'

    BILL GATES: “It wasn’t until early February — We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate and that it’s a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is.
    How much the Vaccine cabal made off of Vaccines, plus people loosing their careers Vax Mandates!

    'Bill and Fauci made a fortune on lying to Americans and others'. Treated early with drugs that were considered safe would have resulted in a much lower mortality rate. By critizing these well-known drugs(which would be cheaper by a factor of a thousand) Mr. Bill and Fauci delayed them and waited for the big 3 vaccines which were not thoroughly tested. This was not the only time Fauci delayed cheap and effective drugs because he had a financial interest in competitive, cheaper drug. He caused the majority of deaths because of his greed.

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