Journalist, trained attorney and activist Shabam Palesa Mohamed of South Africa covers the WHA meeting and related events

Africa objects to US proposal on controversial IHR amendments

Meanwhile India discovers irregularities in WHO financial audit

Day, 25 May, has made an impact. In a rare show of African power and
solidarity, several African member states objected to proposed
International Health Regulations amendments, discussed at the World
Health Assembly 75 this week – a move many believe might shake up the
World Health Organization’s dominance.

A well placed
source shared: “The resolution on IHR amendments was not passed at the
WHA, as African countries were concerned that there was inadequate
consultation amongst member states, and the process was being rushed.
Botswana read the statement on behalf of the 47 AFRO members and I was
personally present.”

According to Reuters,
“if Africa continues to withhold support, it could block one of the
only concrete reforms expected from the meeting, fraying hopes that
members will unite on reforms to strengthen the U.N. health agency’s
rules as it seeks a central role for itself in global health policy…”

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