Even CDC’s data show Americans don’t want these boosters. Only 1.7% of 5-11 year olds have received a booster!

According to CDC, only 8.1% of 50-64 year olds and 20.9% of those 65 and older have accepted a 4th shot.
I think this is the real reason there is a rush to roll out newer boosters–to try to drum up flagging interest in these abominable shots.
Failure of 3rd shot in UK, after failure of 2nd shot in February compared to unvaccinated.
There is no discernable vaccine effectiveness among ≥18 years of age, vaccinated third
dose population since the beginning of the Omicron variant surge. Pre-existing
conditions, ethnicity, deprivation score, and vaccination rate disparities data need to be
adjusted for evaluating VE for hospitalizations and deaths. The increased cases with
significantly increased hospitalizations and deaths among the elderly population during
the Omicron variant surge underscores the need to prevent infections in the elderly
irrespective of vaccination status
FDA Panel Advisor Admits Agency “LOST” Clinical Trial Data for Placebo Group Before Approving Experimental Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers!
'FDA’s clinical review staff, Team Leader Rachel Zhang, says they lost trial info for babies, inject them anyway, see what happens
From Zheng:'
“…We have lost the placebo groups, so we cannot really say anything about the duration of vaccine efficacy after that.
There’s no more efficacy data, basically, after that time point. So, unfortunately, we are limited to – in this study – would be the results that we have shown you in the slide with the data cut off. The latest one [placebo group data] would be the May 31st one, and that still is, unfortunately, very few cases…
…I guess it will have to come from real-world effectiveness.”
Your assessment nails it, Dr. Nass. "Oh! Looky here! New, updated vaccines for Omicron!" Never mind that they won't be tested. As that rotten, murderous Fauci would say, "Do as you're told" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtTfbFcMfS0).
1] As of week 17 this year, 50% more COVID-19 deaths in vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
2] As of week 20 this year, 52% more cases in vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
The CDCdata now shows more cases/infections — since Omicron in Dec. for vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
And, since April 2022, more deaths for vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
In Dec. the counts flipped back and forth and since Feb., straight through most recent data in May 2022: more COVID-19 cases/infections in vaxxed.
The cases/infections data is through May 2022.
For some reason, the deaths are not reported after end of April. I wonder why?
There is a trend, now, since April 2022, with CDC's own data published on their website now showing more deaths among those vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
All data at:
month week totalvax totalnovax
Feb-22 202208 706 1145
Mar-22 202209 535 768
Mar-22 202210 357 529
Mar-22 202211 254 369
Mar-22 202212 184 275
Mar-22 202213 170 198
Apr-22 202214 171 174
Apr-22 202215 199 187
Apr-22 202216 208 158
Apr-22 202217 259 173
As of week 17 this year, 50% more COVID-19 deaths in vaxxed v. unvaxxed
month week totalvax totalnovax
Dec-21 202151 601483 625147
Dec-21 202152 1374100 1320372
Jan-22 202201 1919855 1866232
Jan-22 202202 1571712 1648465
Jan-22 202203 1171802 1212536
Jan-22 202204 731081 772430
Feb-22 202205 402583 416335
Feb-22 202206 240156 235355
Feb-22 202207 140167 132193
Feb-22 202208 86063 77570
Mar-22 202209 62704 52746
Mar-22 202210 46476 37331
Mar-22 202211 44921 32494
Mar-22 202212 52496 35954
Mar-22 202213 60360 40481
Apr-22 202214 80373 50470
Apr-22 202215 106399 62683
Apr-22 202216 123879 76553
Apr-22 202217 159413 95161
May-22 202218 207157 125385
May-22 202219 251752 155110
May-22 202220 265831 174584
As of week 20 this year, 52% more cases in vaxxed v. unvaxxed.
1.) Doctors question kids' Vax as U.K. research shows minuscule COVID risk!
2.) Ivy League study on boosters, COVID 'rebounds' fuel skepticism of federal narratives.
NBA COVID testing shows boosted individuals take longer than non-boosted to clear Omicron BA.1 infections. Fauci appears to contradict FDA guidance with second round of Paxlovid. Florida surgeon general accuses top House Democrat of misinformation.
"Non FDA approved covid vaccines"?
They weren't vaccines: U.S.C. 26 §§4132(a)(2) defines a vaccine as "a substance that prevents one or more diseases".
None of these in their documentation say "prevent" they say "reduces symptoms". Hence, no one is vaccinated. FDA and CDC could be tried for the Medical Fraud for the shots, PCR tests and masks.
These shots, PCR tests and masks were forced in violation of U.S.C. 21 §'s 360bbb-3 in conjunction with 50.20. This is the embodiment of the Nuremberg Code in the U.S. Code
'Israel caught hiding children's Vaccine injuries'!
Children aged 5-11 are suffering vaccine injuries, including neurological adverse events, at about 6 times the rate of 12-17 year old children.
Raw data – 2x the injury rate of teens
Israel’s Ministry of Health commissioned a study analyzing reports of adverse events from Pfizer's COVID vaccine to the nation’s vaccine database, known as the Nahlieli system, between December 2021 and May 2022. The research team was headed by Professor Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir).
In raw numbers, Berkowitz found that children in the 5-11 age group had twice as many adverse events following the Pfizer shot as children in the 12-17 age group. That doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing, and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents.
Americans don’t want abortions either.
Re comment #1, the authors state the following, which is the opposite of what was seen in the US. Therefore I hesitate to endorse this paper.
There were increased SARS-CoV2 hospitalizations and deaths noted during Omicron
(B.1.1.529) variant surge in UK despite decreased cases, and the reasons are unclear."
Re another comment, the reason the subjects were "lost" is because they were unblinded and all were offered vaccine. While FDA and the mfr claimed the trial was ongoing after this so-called unblinding, they now admit that efficacy after unblinding cannot be determined. And of course, neither can safety. So why pretend the trial is ongoing since the two parameters of interest cannot be determined?
This is another sick joke played on us by the FDA and mfr.