A Pledge to Restore Our Nation and Its Values

Footnotes have been edited at 4:45 pm EDT on August 15.

A Pledge to Restore Our Nation and Its Values


I support limits on emergency powers. All government emergency laws, rules, regulations, orders, and directives that haven’t undergone legislative review and approval must have strict time limits, not to exceed two weeks. (1)


I support the prohibition of all pandemic medical mandates enacted by federal, state, county, city, and private actors, including compulsory drugs, vaccines, vaccine passports, testing, and masking. (2)


I support the termination of all federal and state funding used to censor citizens, misinform the American public, or restrict communication between people. (3)


I support fiscal accountability of the US government as constitutionally required. (4)


I support the elimination of all “gain-of-function” research and related activities.  “Gain-of-function” is defined as the intentional manipulation of microorganisms to make them more virulent, dangerous, or contagious. (5)


As a citizen, I support the Pledge and urge my elected representatives to do so as well.

As a candidate or elected representative, I pledge to introduce and strongly support legislation to accomplish the five Pledge items above.

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(1) Shortsighted emergency laws allowed the executive branch of government to declare emergencies and continually renew them without input from the people, or approval by legislatures—infringing the United States’ separation of powers doctrine enshrined in the Constitution. This Pledge restores checks and balances to the conduct of emergencies.

Both legislative and administrative government activity must reconvene by the end of two weeks after a declared emergency. Legislative hearings on the emergency measures; notice and comment by the public; and approval by the legislature will be required to renew any emergency powers. 

(2) Mandated medical tests, masks, drugs, vaccinations and vaccine passports violate informed consent for medical procedures and the doctrine of bodily autonomy. The federal government provided financial incentives to schools and the private sector to impose these medical mandates on employees, patients and students. This is intolerable and must end. 

(3) Government edicts abolished the First Amendment rights guaranteed to all: freedom of speech, the press, religion, and assembly, without any means of timely redress. The government collaborated with mainstream media and social media companies to carry out officially sanctioned censorship.  A 2013 amendment to the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act allows the federal government to propagandize American citizens. 

Our rights must be restored. The legalization of government censorship and propaganda directed at citizens must end. This Pledge applies to actions taken by government directly as well as actions taken by media companies that have received government funding or are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. 

(4) Federal agencies have written off trillions of dollars in undocumented transactions. For example, according to Reuters,

“The Defense Department’s Inspector General, in a June report, said the Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked receipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up… Disclosure of the Army’s manipulation of numbers is the latest example of the severe accounting problems plaguing the Defense Department for decades.”


Yet the Constitution requires that a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” Government finances must become transparent and accountable to the public. 

(5)  After a large number of potentially deadly accidents at US laboratories, “gain-of-function” research using federal funds was banned between 2014 and 2017. According to an article titled, “Congress Demands Details of Secret CDC Lab Incidents Revealed,”

“USA TODAY… has revealed hundreds of accidents at corporate, university, government and military labs nationwide. It also has exposed a system of fragmented federal oversight and pervasive secrecy that obscures failings by facilities and regulators.”


Yet NIH funding of coronavirus “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan, China, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, continued despite the ban, and continues today. American citizens are outraged at the harm such research has caused and want it stopped for good. 

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