2018 case report on healthy 36 y/o US soldier who developed permanent heart failure after smallpox vaccine and also required a defibrillator
Reported from Walter Reed. It had to be ACAM-2000
And medical professional who is aware of the side effects of this vaccine and injects it into anyone for the mild disease moneypox is grossly negligent. The vaccine can kill you, but the disease doesn’t. No deaths yet in the US, with over 10,000 cases. But perhaps 10% or more get myocarditis from the shots.
Were you to vaccinate 100,000 people to try and prevent , say, 10,000 cases—you could cause 10,000 cases of myocarditis with the ACAM-2000 vaccine.
And we don’t even know if the shot works! The other vaccine, Jynneos did not work to prevent disease in animals, according to former high FDA officials, and CDC is hiding the results of its study in the Democaratic Republic of Congo, conducted during the past 5 years with Jynneos, which was designed to see if it prevented moneypox in health care workers.
Please let the buyer beware. Don’t take these shots. They are not being rolled out to help you.
CNN did a story on severe moneypox cases and the risk factors:
“People at higher risk for severe monkeypox infections include: People with advanced HIV, since their immune function may be compromised; pregnant people; young children and infants; people with eczema or atopic dermatitis because they have many breaks in their skin that can cause the monkeypox rash to be much worse; those with at least one other complication, such as severe nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration, pneumonia, a secondary skin infection; or another disease at the same time
The CDC recommends that people who fall into these groups be considered for antiviral therapies, including an experimental treatment called Tpoxx, which is being given to monkeypox patients as part of clinical trial.”
BMJ Case Rep. 2018; 2018: bcr2017223523.
Published online 2018 Mar 22. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-223523
Myocarditis secondary to smallpox vaccination
Kyle Keinath,1 Tyler Church,1 Benjamin Kurth,1 and Edward Hulten2
1Internal Medicine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
2Cardiology, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Excerpts follow:
“… Although myocarditis has been reported following many different vaccines, the smallpox vaccine has the strongest association. We report a case of a 36-year-old active duty service member presenting with progressive dyspnoea, substernal chest pain and lower extremity swelling 5 weeks after receiving the vaccinia vaccination. The aetiology of his acute decompensated heart failure was determined to be from myocarditis. Although the majority of cases of myocarditis resolve completely, some patients develop chronic heart failure and even death…
More concerning is myocarditis, a known side effect of the smallpox vaccine. Initially thought to be a rare occurrence, subsequent studies have shown a higher incidence.3–5 Retrospective studies confirmed with prospective studies show that >10% of patients receiving the smallpox vaccine develop new-onset dyspnoea, chest pain or palpitations.3 4 Myocarditis can range from an influenza-like illness with subtle ECG changes to acute decompensated heart failure and death. It is essential not only to recognise and treat this condition, but also to properly counsel patients on all the important side effects of vaccination…
The patient’s myocarditis was attributed to his vaccinia exposure, as the temporal relationship to his vaccination and presentation falls within the expected time frame, of 2 to 6 weeks…2–5
Clinicians must remain vigilant for cardiac symptoms after vaccinations, particularly smallpox vaccinations, as this may herald the onset of myocarditis.”