The Australian Academy of Science provides climate truth with one hand, while demanding the truth be censored with the other hand
They say TRUTH is the first casualty in war. Well, this is a war over truth and the right to think
I like this article on planetary temperatures on the Australian Academy of Science website, which provides facts and seems even-handed:
globally averaged near-surface air temperature rose by around 0.8°C [1.4 degrees Farenheit] between 1850 and 2012 (Figure 2.1c). The rate of warming increased in the mid-1970s, and each of the most recent three decades has been warmer than all preceding decades since 1850. The last decade has been the warmest of these….
The temperature of the oceans has also risen. More than 90% of the total heat accumulated in the climate system between 1971 and 2010 has been stored in the oceans. The greatest ocean warming has taken place close to the surface, with the upper 75 m of the ocean warming by an average of 0.11°C each decade between 1971 and 2010….
The average surface temperatures over the Australian continent and its surrounding oceans have increased by nearly 1°C since the beginning of the 20th century [1.8 degrees F in 120 years—Nass].
Does that seem like a dire emergency?
However, the Australian Academy of Science last month begged the tech giants to censor misinformation and disinformation, especially on climate change. Here is what the Australian Academy of Science wrote. Yet this was clearly not written by real scientists:
“Anti-scientific content abounds online, with climate science being an area of particular concern.
Despite a well-established evidence base for anthropogenic climate change, and the efforts of organisations including the AAS to provide accessible online resources to communicate this information (e.g. AAS, 2021), climate science denial content proliferates on social media globally…
Research into Twitter content found the phrase “fake news” in more than half of the top 500 most retweeted posts contained climate change denialism, or the belief that climate change is not anthropogenic (Al-Rawi, O’Keefe, Kane, & Bizimana, 2021). These included tweets that attributed the cause of Australia’s 2019/20 bushfires to arson rather than being associated with the changing climate.
Climate denialism is just one example of how misinformation results in societal harm.Disinformation on health matters (such as false and misleading vaccination, sexual and reproductive health information), or ecological and environmental matters (such as material misrepresenting studies of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef) are a barrier to good policy and a healthy society. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic there were clear links between climate denialism and anti-vaccine movements (Hamilton, Hartter & Saito, 2015). The Code must therefore consider broader instances of misinformation and disinformation, including in issues-based advertising in all areas, especially climate change.”
Coincidentally, this was published one day before the Washington Post ran a long piece on how Australia’s Great Barrier Reef now has more live coral than it has had in decades. Oops.
It is of course sickening for any “science” body to try and censor scientific discussion.
But beyond that, we can clearly see that the new meme of ‘misinformation and disinformation,’ which I was accused of when my medical license was suddenly suspended in Janary, is to be used globally to suppress not only medical knowledge, but other types of knowledge. Welcome to the new global Dark Ages.
UPDATE Sept. 26: Former head of Australia’s Climate Center disputes the CO2/carbon footprint/carbon credits hypothesis of climate change.
A new paper on the so-called ‘greenhouse’ effect highlights the vital role played by oceans and water vapour flows. CO2 is said to have “minimal effect” on the Earth’s temperature and climate.
The paper has been published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) and is written by meteorologist William Kininmonth, a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organisation’s Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government’s National Climate Centre. Kininmonth argues that the oceans are the “vital inertial and thermal flywheels” of the climate system. If one wants to control climate, it will be necessary to control the oceans, he argues. “Efforts to decarbonise in the hope of affecting global temperatures will be in vain,” he adds.