I have to tell you about a new method of censorship done to my google blog today

goog ups the ante

Yesterday I wrote about a powerful article by Daniel Horowitz in a Substack called “Negative vaccine efficacy keeps rearing its ugly head. Now Kaiser admits it.” Within hours, Steve Kirsch had written about my article. My post has received over 25,000 views on this stack since yesterday.

I put the full text of Daniel’s article on my anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com blog. This is hosted by Google. Yeah, I know—and that is why I paid thousands of dollars to have a webmaster build me a mirror site (MerylNassMD.com). But my income took a dive with the loss of my license, so I finally decided I could not afford to keep up the mirror site several months ago.

Today I posted about my license hearing on the google blog. When I checked the post, the top half was obliterated by two graphics from Daniel’s article, which had somehow popped out of his article and started covering the top of my Blog.

I tried killing his article and reposting it, but the problem remained. I then had to remove the two graphs from his article and this finally got them to disappear from the top of the blog, overlying the text.

However, I needed to alert readers that the graphs were missing. So I added this short paragraph to the middle of his article where a graph had been:

[I had to remove the 2 graphs from this article as they were covering up the text in a bizarre formatting error I have never seen before–Nass] 

When I checked to see that the article had posted correctly, it had—except that the paragraph above was missing. I played with the post, reinserted this paragraph, yet it still failed to appear within the body of the article when I republished it, although the rest of the article got published.

What this means to me is that a person was working, in real time, to alter my blog posts, in at least the 2 ways I noted. I took photos of the page as I arranged it, and the page as google allowed it to be shown.

This is a new devious form of censorship, removing just a few words in the middle of a post—subtle but very powerful—intended to conceal prior censorship (causing the graphs to obliterate the text on top of my blog).

I told my readers a few months ago that Google removed one of my Blog posts that was about censorship. Specifically, the post was about Joni Mitchell and Neil Young demanding their catalogues be removed from Spotify after Joe Rogan hosted Robert Malone. And how the language Joni and Neil used in their attempts to kill free speech was eerily similar to the propaganda attributed to Peter Daszak, the instigator and primary author of the Lancet Commentary. I did my best to create a post similar to what Google had removed here.

Google disappeared another blog post (I have the copy on substack) months after it posted.

It appears that identifying and calling out CENSORSHIP and PROPAGANDA is what Google is most afraid of.

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