Maine’s Governor Janet Mills used tax dollars to give away opioid antidote Narcan to one in every 10 Mainers.

While she simultaneously worked hard to prevent Mainers from obtaining the COVID antidotes ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

Why would she do something like that?

  1. Narcan is owned by the anthrax vaccine manufacturer, and they pay top-of-industry level bribes. Narcan retails at $141 per box, which includes 2 dispensers. We don’t know what the state of Maine paid.

  2. She was responding to Paul Lepage’s claim that Narcan did not save lives, it just postponed deaths?

  3. Putting all those Narcan cannisters in the back of her car and unloading them at homeless shelters made a great photo-op?

  4. Her sister Dora Mills MD told her so?

  5. Why did sister Dora feed the Maine Medical Board ‘dirt’ on me the same day my license was suspended—while what Dora thought was ‘dirt’ has proven to be entirely accurate statements I made in an interview with WVOM?

  6. Did Janet use Dora to punish me for providing early COVID treatment to hundreds of Mainers?

  7. Why did Governor Mills wax eloquent about saving the lives of drug addicts but acted to prevent saving the lives of Mainers with COVID? This included directing pharmacists not to dispense ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, misleading medical providers to stop them prescribing the drugs even though each could be legally used for any diagnosis. Finally, the Medical Board, appointed by the Governor, suspended the licenses of the two doctors known in Maine for prescribing early treatments for COVID during the peak of the last wave.

  8. According to the Governor’s website, she has “Saved Lives: Since September 2019, Governor Mills has distributed 132,422 doses of naloxone

  9. And yet more than 600 Mainers died from overdoses in 2021, which was a record, despite the Governor’s ostentatious efforts to help them.

  10. Contradicting the facts, on June 8, as reported in the Courier-Gazette Governor Mills said, “as Maine’s Attorney General she directed money to law enforcement for Narcan to help save the lives of people who overdose on opiates. As governor, she has supported legislation that makes it easier for people to obtain Narcan, pointing out it has saved thousands of lives.”

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