CDC’s advisory committee on immunization practices will vote at 1:20 pm today to put the covid vaccines on the childhood schedule. Expect a unanimous yes vote

Expect a unanimous yes vote

The committee members were presented with CDC’s fait accompli today by hearing a very bland presentation of the “edits” to the childhood, adolescent and adult immunization schedules.

Buried among dozens of “edits” was the inclusion of COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood and adolescent schedules, which is to be rolled out in February. But was posted to CDC’s website on October 17, 2022, before the ACIP’s approval.

When the CDC briefer, a strongly accented Dr. Wodi, was asked how CDC could add an EUA (unlicensed) vaccine to the schedule, she said something like, “We checked with OGC [Office of General Counsel] and they said it was okay.” And that was that. No legal justification. No moral or ethical justification. And definitely no medical or scientific justification.

In fact, yesterday the Director of of CDC’s Immunization Division, Dr. Jose Romero, said that CDC was not putting the COVID vaccines on the childhood schedule (yet). He said that at 3 pm yesterday. But by 9 am today that was exactly what CDC revealed it was doing. His “YET” lasted for all of 18 hours. Or one might more correctly say he was a lying SOB and I don’t mean short of breath.

AND they are getting prepared to recommend monoclonal antibodies for all children under 8 months of age at a future meeting, as well as recommending RSV vaccines.

This is regulatory agencies and their advisory committees gone amuck. Time for the people to stop consenting. Now there is no question whether these are prublic health professionals carefully considering decisions for 334,000,000 people. They are careerists who love vaccines and are blind to the consequences of their actions. Blind is putting it charitably.

Yesterday, Jose Romero, who is the Director of CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, said this is not about the childhood schedule. You can listen to Drs. Santoli and Romero and read the slides at 6 hours 31 minutes and draw your own conclusions.

My live blog for yesterday and today is here:

UPDATE: 1:25 pm and the committee voted unanimously in favor of placing covid vaccines on the childhood schedule, 15-0 as I predicted.


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