FDA and its vax advisory committee were told by Pfizer on December 10, 2020 at a public meeting that the vaccine did not prevent transmission–I wrote about it in Jan 2021 on my blog

and EMTs were being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake. Below is my Jan 11, 2021 blog post with updates

Monday, January 11, 2021

Pfizer admitted the vaccine does not prevent Covid infection, and other vaccine problems; and how EMTs are being lied to and shamed to force vaccine uptake

People have asked why I was not blogging about the Covid vaccines.  To be honest, I felt there was not enough information for me to be decisive, and I was waiting for more information to become available.

However, someone called me this morning and told me about a lot of allergic reactions, including one anaphylactic reaction, at a local hospital after 30 doses were given. Staff were instructed to keep this quiet.

Today I watched a short Ben Swann video about the vaccines, in which he read the “Declination form” to be signed by EMTs in Maine who refuse the vaccine. It contained false and misleading statements, and I realized I should no longer delay discussing what I know about the vaccines.

1.  Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are made from messenger RNA and lipid nanoparticles containing polyethylene glycol (PEG).

a.  Messenger RNA (or any RNA) can potentially be converted to DNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase.  That DNA potentially, or bits of it, could become linked to your native DNA.  While I have no idea how likely this is, I began to take the possibility seriously only after two members of FDA’s advisory committee (the VRBPAC) asked about it during their meeting to approve the Pfizer vaccine on December 10.  (I watched the entire meeting and took copious notes.) Virologists tell us that much of our DNA is, in fact, originally viral DNA that found its way into ours. 

I now consider the potential for vaccine RNA to be converted to DNA and permanently inserted in my DNA a remote possibility–but one that I would like proven wrong before being vaccinated.

b.  70% of Americans have pre-existing antibodies to  PEG.  FDA suspects that these PEG antibodies may be the cause of anaphylaxis post vaccination.  The UK recommends against people with severe allergic conditions receiving the mRNA vaccines. The CDC, however, recommends people receive it regardless of their allergy history, only asking that those with severe allergies wait an additional 15 minutes (total of 30 minutes) in the clinic in case they need to be resuscitated.  Anaphylaxis is occurring at about one in 45,000 doses, or 17 times the rate CDC has determined it occurs after other vaccines (1.3 episodes per million vaccinations).  Therefore, getting the shot in a drugstore or anywhere that trained physicians are not close by to perform a resuscitation seems like a bad idea. According to the American College of Allergy, “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should be administered in a health care setting where anaphylaxis can be treated.” California has temporarily halted use of a lot of Moderna’s vaccine due to a high rate of anaphylaxis.

2.  No vaccines made from messenger RNA nor this type of lipid nanoparticles have ever been used in humans.  We have no idea about their long-term side effects.  The clinical trials followed subjects for only 2 months after 2 doses of vaccine at the time the vaccines were authorized for use.

3.  Neither the Moderna nor the Pfizer trial enrolled many frail elderly subjects.  Since both vaccines entered general use less than one month ago, we have heard tales of nursing home residents catching Covid or dying in higher numbers after receiving the vaccines.  But we do not know if this is a random event or a reaction to vaccination, since reliable data are not yet available. The elderly often fail to mount an immune response to a vaccine; if this is the case, they should not receive the vaccine, because they will be subject to the side effects without the benefit.

UPDATE Feb 1: Officials in Germany claim the upcoming Astra-Zeneca vaccine (not the mRNA vaccines) is only 8% effective in those over 65. French President Macron has complained to Agence France Press that the A-Z vaccine was only “quasi-ineffective for people over 65.”

UPDATE: Norway has recorded 23 deaths after the vaccinations.  Thirteen have been investigated, autopsied and occurred in the frail elderly. Norway has now decided to recommend the obvious ‘“If you are very frail, you should probably not be vaccinated,” Steinar Madsen at the Norwegian Medicines Agency said at a webinar on corona vaccine for journalists on Thursday.” 

On Jan 15 from Bloomberg, “Norway said Covid-19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and terminally ill, the most cautious statement yet from a European health authority as countries assess the real-world side effects of the first shots to gain approval.”

4.  Public health officials have said over and over that they do not know if the vaccines prevent spread. Pfizer’s lead representative to the VRBPAC meeting, Kathrin Jansen, PhD, said that Pfizer did not test human subjects to see if those vaccinated could get and spread the infection.  But Jansen admitted that Pfizer DID test primates–and found that vaccinated monkeys did get Covid infections despite being vaccinated.  Their duration of infection was shorter than in the unvaccinated monkeys. (You can watch Dr. Jansen first claim that primates did not get infection…in the lung… but then admit they did get infections, of shorter duration than unvaccinated primates– at 7 hours 30 minutes into the meeting.  By the way, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin do exactly the same thing–reduce duration of viral carriage–as shown in a new review article by Didier Raoult.) 

5.  Are the data from the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials reliable, especially the claim that both yield 95% efficacy?

a.  Members of the VRBPAC advisory committee wanted more information.  Two of them asked to be given the results between November 14 (the date the data collection ended) and December 10 (the date of the meeting).  Separately, at two different times, both FDA and Pfizer refused to provide this to the committee.

b.  There were relatively few Covid-19 cases in Pfizer’s trial (under 200) despite 40,000 enrollees.  Peter Doshi, blogging for the British Medical journal, noted that 20x as many subjects had Covid-like symptoms as those who were diagnosed positive using PCR tests, but the much larger group had negative PCR tests.  We now know there are large numbers of false positives and negatives with PCR tests.  Cycle threshold information was not supplied.  No sequencing was done to assure that PCR positive individuals actually had Covid.  I don’t trust these data.

c.  Both Moderna and Pfizer provided rudimentary information to the FDA to apply for Emergency Use Authorizations–much less than is required to issue a vaccine license, according to US law…despite what Drs. Stephen Hahn and Peter Marks at FDA may have claimed to sooth the public.

d.  FDA made the incomprehensible decision to NOT perform inspections of the manufacturing facilities of the Covid vaccine manufacturers.  What did FDA not want to find?  FDA misled its advisory committee by claiming to have reviewed all the manufacturing paperwork supplied to it.  That is a far cry from inspecting the facility. 

6.  No one knows how long immunity lasts, if in fact the vaccines do provide some degree of immunity. (Should it be called immunity if you can still catch and spread the virus?)  For every known vaccine, the immunity it provides is LESS robust and long-lasting than the immunity obtained from having had the infection. People who have had Covid really have no business getting vaccinated–they get all the risk and none of the benefit. (It is said that Israelis who had Covid are not being vaccinated.)

Now to the Maine EMT declination document.

This is a document designed to force EMTs to take the vaccine by using false information and veiled threats.  For example, the document claims with certainty that one can asymptomatically spread Covid, even up to 10 days.  That has not been shown to be true.  Even Anthony Fauci was recorded as saying that asymptomatic spread has never driven an epidemic, although it might occur rarely.  We still don’t know with certainty how much asymptomatic spread contributes to cases, but probably very little.  

CDC made a claim just this past week that asymptomatic spread could contribute to 59% of cases.  CDC, however, made this claim based on its own researchers using modelling and estimates alone.  CDC loves to publish its models of illness, cases and spread, instead of providing real data.  Models can be easily manipulated to support whatever narrative is desired, as we have seen with the Neil Ferguson and University of Washington/BMGF models of the pandemic.

The declination document claims that the clinical trials were rigorous.  I doubt few who read the trial documents would agree with that.  The trials are still in progress.  And FDA explicitly said these two vaccines have NOT BEEN APPROVED.  They have instead been “authorized.”

But the most pernicious thing about the EMT document was that it was intended to make the decliner feel awful for letting down the team and the community.  In fact, based on the monkey data, the only data we have, you can probably still spread the virus even after being vaccinated.  So the declination was built on a lie. And, lying document that it is, it is not signed. You don’t know who wrote it.  Why are EMTs being made to sign it, and initial every paragraph?

Here is just one of its passages:

“The consequences of my refusal to be vaccinated could have life-threatening consequences for my health and the health of everyone with whom I am in contact, including my co-workers, my family, and members of the community I serve.”

When a product is good for you, there is no need to scare or threaten people into taking it.  If you are being coerced to do something, that should be a strong clue to avoid it.

If you become injured by one of these experimental vaccines, the chance of receiving any financial benefit is tiny.  The US government has waived the liability of everyone involved, from manufacturers to vaccinators. 

Luckily, the drugs and vitamins/supplements that are effective for Covid are safe, and have been used for many decades.  See earlier blog posts for details.

UPDATE:  1/30/21. Two local EMTs have told me they were not asked to sign the declination form.  But the letterhead was familiar, so I went to the Maine EMS website, and sure enough, I found the document, and have linked to the site where it can be found. You must scroll down to “Maine EMS Declination Form” to download it. 

This is on an official Maine state government website. 

I examined the form, and discovered that it references the organization Immunization Action Coalition at the bottom. This is an organization worth knowing about.  It is funded by the CDC and pharmaceutical companies, and frequently acts as a surrogate for the CDC, perhaps because CDC does not want to be directly linked to erroneous documents like this one. 

In Maine, the EMS system is run by a patchwork of municipalities, nonprofits and private companies. Presumably, only some are currently using the form.

UPDATE:  1/13/21 from FiercePharma: “Aside from J&J, coronavirus vaccines from Novavax and AstraZeneca are in late-stage trials, and a host of other companies are in various stages of research. At a Fierce JPM Week panel, experts said there will be plenty of need for a “second wave” of coronavirus vaccines.”

UPDATE:  1/14/21  First, both mRNA vaccines are comprised of mRNA that codes for the spike proteins. However, the spike itself may have inherent toxicity and cause serious Covid symptoms, according to a very thoughtful review of the literature sent to FDA by Dr. Patrick Whelan, MD, PhD at UCLA.

Second, an article published by Kanduc and Shoenfeld in September termed “Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoproteins and mammalian proteomes: implications for the vaccines” showed that “a massive heptapeptide sharing exists between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and human proteins.” The sharing of peptides between SARS-CoV2 and humans also occurred with mice but no other animals, and other human coronaviruses lacked this commonality of peptide sequences with humans.  What does this mean?  “A massive peptide commonality is present with humans and mice, i.e, organisms that undergo pathologic consequences following SARS-CoV-2 infection.” The authors suggest molecular mimicry as a reason for the massive autoimmune phenomena that occur in late-stage Covid-19.

The paper concludes, “Finally, this study once more reiterates the concept that only vaccines based on minimal immune determinants, unique to pathogens and absent in the human proteome, might offer the possibility of safe and efficacious vaccines.” In other words, vaccines need to eliminate the regions of the Spike protein that mimic human proteins in order to avoid triggering autoimmunity.

Whether this paper provides evidence that SARS-CoV-2 may have been grown in humanized mice, or designed to deliberately mimic human peptide sequences to induce autoimmunity in humans, I leave to the imagination.

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