The backstory: Maine Medical Board vs Meryl Nass, MD Day 2 is Oct. 25, 2022, 9am-5 pm
I just learned tonight that the only charges that the Board considered for my Immediate Suspension in Jan were those of misinformation, all of which have been dropped. But my license remains suspended
Above is the substack I wrote to put what happened to me into the context of the suppression of early COVID treatment. I hope you will read it if you haven’t already as it is a really good discussion of how government officials knew the drugs worked and concocted fake stories and fears to kill them.
So I only came to understand something important about my prosecution today. The Medical Board staff told my then-attorney 4 days before the January 11, 2022 meeting and vote that the Board was planning to immediately suspend my license. The attorney then told me, I blogged about it, the Board staff saw the blog post and confronted the attorney, and she quit my case the night before the meeting— because I had inadvertently revealed that the Board staff had already decided what was to become of me, before the members had taken any votes and perhaps had never heard of me. And so the January prosecution/punishment was pre-ordained.
Here is my then-attorney’s letter notifying me she was quitting the night before my case came up, because of this:
Dr. Nass-
In light of the information I just received late this afternoon from the Board staff, and which I forwarded to you, including your blog posts from the weekend about which I was unaware, either over the weekend or when we spoke twice today (and to which I did not consent, either as a strategy or regarding the content), I must respectfully immediately terminate my representation of you before the Board. My withdrawal will be filed immediately and will be before the Board at the meeting in the morning.
The comments in the blog, which publically refer to the substance of our communications, whether correct or not, are actions with which I fundamentally disagree. In addition, as you know, pursuant to the Board’s administrative process, neither counsel nor licensee may participate in the process at this juncture because this is the Board’s first review of all five of your matters. When I reviewed the files for the first time last Thursday, you had responded, or not, on your own to the two complaints, which were filed last October, and the three Assessment and Direction matters (investigation) are not yet at the complaint stage.
For these reasons, I am therefore unable to continue representation of you in these matters, including at the Board meeting tomorrow.
Emily Bloch
And she forwarded me the email she had been forwarded about the blog from the Board’s 4 staffers working on my case, who were apparently concerned enough to be alerted by the Assistant Attorney General on the weekend.:
The Board members, mostly doctors, are paid a sum total of $1200/year to serve as Board members, and they get a pittance more for presenting cases. But they get nothing to review documents. So presumably they don’t. And when the Board has extra meetings, such as are required for my case, they don’t receive a penny extra to be present. Do you think that influences how carefully they review the cases? They seem to earn less than minimum wage for their participation.
The Board Chair, who is also on the Board of Trustees of the FSMB, the organization which started the doctor witch-hunts over the invented crime of misinformation in July 2021, dozed through day one of my hearing. She earns $1500 per year for her participation, or lack thereof. How well reasoned can her vote be? What role did she have in bringing this malicious prosecution forward, given her role with the FSMB instigators?
Apparently the Board staff make all the decisions beforehand, and I assume the two most central to this are the Executive Director, Dennis Smith, and the Board’s Assistant Attorney General, Michael Miller—both lawyers. They already had the detailed paperwork (I think it was 9 pages) drawn up to present to me at the conclusion of the January 11 meeting.
The Board staff had already made the appointment for me with the neuropsychologist of their choice before the Board voted to order it. This was a necessity: it served as the justification I was a danger to the public.
So it seems that the Board members just show up and vote as instructed by the staff, while taking on the responsibility for their decisions. While the staff believe that as state workers they are fully indemnified for any mischief they cause, I have to wonder about whether they are truly immune when their actions constitute malfeasance. I wonder when the Board Members will realize that they are the fall guys for the staff’s fun and games?
I am looking forward to Day 2 to exonerate myself and reveal at whose feet the true crimes lie. Here’s looking at you, Janet, Dora, Dennis and Michael.
Here is the CHD URL to watch the hearing. The Epoch Times will also live blog it. Wish me luck!