Jeffrey Sachs criticizes US militarism only because he’s establishing a new brand
And he keeps invoking the threat of nuclear war, because a one world govt would end the nuclear threat, and end the invented global warming 'crisis.' He is the Pied Piper.
I agree with my friends who are swooning after seeing this snake oil salesman on Democracy Now! It is extraordinary to hear someone telling the truth about US imperialism to millions of viewers.
The guy is smoothe. He speaks slowly and clearly with simple words and a most avuncular manner. He plays to the Democracy Now! crowd, with one softball after another lobbed at US foreign policy, militarism, neocons, nuclear war. Don’t forget that Amy Goodman also interviewed Peter Daszak in early 2020, inviting him to spin tales about ‘naturally occurring’ pandemics for her audience. Who picks her guests? Disclaimer: I was a guest 4 times in the early 2000s.
Just a reminder that Jeffrey Sachs made his name on structural adjustment policies. He was the shock jock par excellence. This is what he did:
From Walden Bello in 1999:
“When the socialist economies of Eastern Europe and Russia collapsed in the early 1990s, structural adjustment was also extended to that part of the world, and in a manner that was even more radical than in the South – a process that Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs, then one of its vocal proponents, appropriately labelled as “shock therapy.”‘
…with over 100 countries under adjustment for over a decade, it was strange that the [World] Bank and the [International Monetary] Fund found it hard to point to even a handful of [structural adjustment] success stories. In most cases, as Rudiger Dornbusch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology put it, structural adjustment caused economies to “fall into a hole,” wherein low investment, reduced social spending, reduced consumption, and low output interacted to create a vicious cycle of decline and stagnation, rather than a virtuous circle of growth, rising employment, and rising investment…
Has he changed his stripes? From a 2007 interview with Naomi Klein, who wrote “Shock Doctrine” a #1 bestseller detailing the exploits of Jeffrey Sachs and his pals:
Q: You mention the shift from shock therapy to shock-and-awe, but there are also attempts to soften the image of neoliberalism. Jeffrey Sachs, the economist who pioneered shock therapy, wrote his latest book on The End of Poverty. Is there any more to this than a rebranding exercise?
A: (Naomi Klein) A lot of people are under the impression that Jeffrey Sachs has renounced his past as a shock therapist and is doing penance now. But if you read The End of Poverty more closely he continues to defend these policies, but simply says there should be a greater cushion for the people at the bottom.
The real legacy of neoliberalism is the story of the income gap. It destroyed the tools that narrowed the gap between rich and poor. The very people who opened up this violent divide might now be saying that we have to do something for the people at the very bottom, but they still have nothing to say for the people in the middle who’ve lost everything.
This is really just a charity model. Jeffrey Sachs says he defines poverty as those whose lives are at risk, the people living on a dollar a day, the same people discussed in the Millennium Development Goals. Of course that needs to be addressed, but let us be clear that we’re talking here about noblesse oblige, that’s all.
In 2012 Sachs was at it again, pushing the same bankrupt ‘market discipline’ on Nigeria’s poor, this time exposed by Michael Busch.
“Jeffrey Sachs’s Metamorphosis From Neoliberal Shock Trooper to Bleeding Heart Hits a Snag
No economic crisis would be complete without Jeffrey Sachs’s two cents.”
In 2014 a book came out exposing the schizophrenic and unapologetic economist, titled “Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid” by Japhy Wilson. The blurb by Christian Parenti said,
“Once famous for bleeding the economies of Poland, Russia and Bolivia, and now famous for handing out Band-Aids in sub-Saharan Africa while proclaiming a reinvention of development, Jeffrey Sachs is the master of having it both ways. In this excellent, highly readable book, Japhy Wilson dissects the man, his ideas, his context and the damage that Sachs and his ilk have inflicted on so many.… Anyone concerned with the crisis of global capitalism should have this book.”
So I should not need to tell you he is a limited hangout. He is a proven chameleon. He is selling you something. But not quite yet. He was handpicked for this gig, just like Tedros was handpicked. Right now, he is establishing the new brand. He is rebranding as the economics superstar who has suddenly stepped forward to tell the gory truth. He even said the US likely bombed Nordstream, for crying out loud.
He’s gonna be the guy who speaks truth to power, and gets shut down by MSM hosts when he steps over the line. The guy who told the truth about Fauci and Daszak, and the US contribution to developing COVID, even though it took him an awfully long time to see the light.
Why does the world’s most famous economist, full Harvard professor at age 28, talk to you in baby talk? His “aw shucks” manner is an act. He doesn’t talk that way at Harvard. Beware of the forked tongue. Watch what he is getting ready to sell you. It’s the UN and WHO, the meaningless One Health (the Daszak scam that Sachs still promotes) to manage pandemics. One World Government. He is on a promotional tour. Even Bobby Kennedy got an interview.
It is critical to watch him and teach yourself to detect the tricks. There are a lot of tricksters, and you need to be able to identify them if you want to navigate the dangerous shoals we are going through and make it to the other side.