People wonder who I am and what my background is in biological warfare, vaccines, etc.
So I will share some of my early work, including the paper that is the first (and only?) investigation that proved an epidemic was due to biological warfare
Lots of people wonder why I speak authoritatively about biowarfare, vaccines and pandemics, and how they have been used to usher in political programs. The reason is that for 30 years I have done work in this area, in addition to my day job treating patients. Here is a copy of my investigation and a screenshot of the abstract. If you read the acknowledgments, you will see that I knew Bruce Ivins, the anthrax scientist who was wrongly accused of sending the anthrax letters. He committed suicide in 2008, enabling the FBI to precipitously close the case before the Presidential election:
Actually, I treated patients until last January, when Maine’s Medical Board suspended my license. This gave me more time to research the COVID coverups, write and speak. Maybe that was a good thing, and that is when I started this substack.
Here is an earlier 1992 paper, behind a paywall, titled, “Can Biological, Toxin and Chemical Warfare be Eliminated?”
I wrote the first review article on anthrax vaccines and their potential use for biological warfare in 1999. It is behind an Elsevier paywall but here is the abstract:
My first Congressional testimony on the anthrax vaccine, from 1999, is here, starting on page 108. Then the American Journal of Public Health asked me to write about the anthrax vaccine, which I did with a scathing review of CDC policy. I have known CDC was a criminal agency for at least 20 years. You can read the full text online, here:
I already shared my 2001 Congressional testimony on the use of vaccines to avoid the consequences of biological warfare. In a nutshell, vaccines won’t solve the problem. I am chagrined to find most online versions have disappeared, and the version below has an “Unsafe” warning appended to it. Yet I had no trouble downloading it to post on December 12. That post probably triggered its censorship.
It looks like most of my Congressional testimonies can be accessed at the URL below although a few are missing:
Here is a 2005 testimony on biological warfare to the Senate HELP Committee:
Anyway, this background helped me to see that what was happening with the COVID response was totally wrong, very early in the pandemic. I have watched the biodefense industry grow from its infancy. I documented some of this industry’s corruption on my blog ( which has been going since 2007.
I hope this clears up who I am, what I know and why I write. Happy Holidays!