Congressman Thomas Massie (again) speaks against COVID vaccine mandates in a now Republication majority House
Will he make headway this time around?
Congressman Thomas Massie Obliterates Vaxx Mandate Against Healthcare Workers
By J.D. Rucker • Feb. 1, 2023
On Tuesday, Congressman Thomas Massie gave a speech explaining the reasons the vaccine mandate against healthcare workers must end.
“I rise in support of this resolution because it would facilitate the passage of HR 497, the Freedom for Healthcare Workers Act,” he said. “What does that bill do? It ends the unscientific, illogical, immoral, unconstitutional, unethical vaccine mandate on healthcare workers that is predicated on lies.”
He listed the five predicates for the mandate that turned out to be lies:
The vaccine prevents spread
The vaccines don’t cause any harm
The mandates are scientific
Natural immunity should be ignored
Nobody’s liable for the damage the mandate can cause
As he put it, “We’re living under medical malpractice martial law right now under the PREP Act and the EUAs.”
He concluded by dropping the ultimate truth bomb. “This is the epitome of hypocrisy. Nobody in this room was mandated to take a vaccine, and we’re voting on whether we’re going to force people who want to take care of people whether they have to take the vaccine.”
Here’s the video via Twitter: