Pseudo apology #2 for the pandemic response? First Emily Oster, then Kevin Bass?

A Midwestern Doctor explains what the rest of us with jaded and suspicious minds were thinking. Great thinking and writing btw. And how did Newsweek let a med student write a major piece?

The Forgotten Side of Medicine
Dissecting The New Plea for COVID Amnesty
Many of you may remember Emily Oster’s disingenuous plea for amnesty in The Atlantic. The responses to it were almost all “How about [insert your preferred profanity].” My favorite response was someone choosing to pay to fly this over her house after…
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Here is a tidbit:

Before we go any further, I want to be clear that this piece, like Oster’s (who was also not a doctor), was primarily written for an educated liberal audience (hence why it uses so many of the academic constructs they love). I believe the goal of this piece is to test out soundbites that could be used to address the major issues that the medical establishment has created for itself as a result of how it handled COVID-19. The goal essentially is to have their cake (say something nice that makes everyone happy) and eat it (not have to actually admit what they did wrong or relinquish any of their power by changing the core problematic policies they put forward).

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