CHD and I need all medical professionals and life scientists to sign this letter to legislators, if you agree

Below is the cover letter and a promotional video.

A Letter from Doctors to Lawmakers

We need you to join this effort to restore ethics to medicine:

Doctors and patients have been brutally attacked by government policies during the pandemic. The foundations of ethical medicine were kicked aside while the executive branches of our federal and state governments dictated how our patients could and could not be treated.

We at Children’s Health Defense have identified 4 issues of deep concern that our legislatures could fix.  We want to bring these issues to the attention of lawmakers throughout the country, using our national network.  Central to the effort is being able to show that large numbers of medical professionals are in agreement.

The issues are:

1) medical mandates–for masks, vaccines, drugs, passports,

2) one-size-fits-all medicine,

3) the parental right to determine the treatments that children receive and

4) medical professionals’ freedom of speech.

This is why we authored the Statement of Medical Professionals and Scientists Supporting Parental Rights and Medical Freedom and why we are encouraging our colleagues throughout the nation to show they support these principles, by signing on to CHD’s letter here.

So far this letter has over 600 signatures, and that number is growing everyday. We thank each and every one of you who has already signed on, and encourage every medical professional and scientist to sign and share our letter with all of your colleagues.

Please join us in this important endeavor.

Meryl Nass, M.D.

Michael Kane

Here is our video, created to support this campaign. 3:34 minutes.

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