“Pandemic Preparedness” – a Government Protection Racket–Sasha Latypova
Nice guys from the US DOD are here to "protect" you from the future.
Sasha sees things so clearly and writes with a laser pointer.
Meet Col Matt Hepburn who in 2020 leads an effort for the Department of Defense called Enabling Technologies. Enabling Technologies rapidly develops new vaccines and treatments against future (!) infectious disease challenges.
Matt can predict the future and “protect” you from it.
Having dedicated his professional career to addressing the threat of infectious diseases and pandemics, Matt believes this ambitious goal can be accomplished through technology adoption. His understanding for technology adoption for pandemics stems from his six year tenure as a program manager at DARPA. Prior to joining DARPA, Matt served as the Director of Medical Preparedness on the White House National Security Staff.
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Listen to his TEDMED 2020 Talk Here
It’s under 20 min.
Or, you can watch a 3 minute version, curtesy of Muse (pretty close summary of Dr. Hepburn’s discourse I must say):
Excerpts from Dr. Hepburn’s TED talk transcript with my commentary:
Matt used to be an unpopular wallflower at parties, nobody cared about his work in infectious diseases, because for the past approximately 100 years pandemics have been priority number 146 on the average list of priorities for an average citizen (hm, I wonder why). But now that “the pandemic is here!” he is finally out of the obscurity. Matt is finally SOMEBODY IMPORTANT!
Matt Hepburn (00:26):
So it’s a crazy and tumultuous feeling to spend your entire professional career in pandemic preparedness, and all of a sudden now we got coronavirus. So people would come up to me and say, “Matt, what do you do for a living?” And I say, “My job is to prepare for the next pandemic.” And then I would go on and on about infections and black swan events and all this other stuff. Their eyes would glaze over. I was always that guy at the party that all I could do was talk about work, but now the pandemic is here and this is serious. And I know you’re worried, and I’m worried too. I’m worried about the little things like should I get on a plane next month? Should I make that trip or not? I’m worried about the big things. Is my family going to be safe? My son who’s in college, we just got a note from the university saying there’s a suspected case on campus. I’m worried about all those people in hospitals, on ventilators, that are suffering right now from this terrible infection.
The first thing Matt needs you to be – worried. Emotional. Panicked. Scared of the little things. Especially little invisible things… Suspected case on campus! Uncertainty. Anxiety. Worst-case. Ventilators. Please turn off brains and just be scared, ok?
The second thing that I’ve decided is that I’m not going to give up. Don’t give up. We cannot be paralyzed by fear, we cannot be saying, “Hey, look, the pandemic’s inevitable, there’s nothing that we can do.” No. And where do I draw a little bit of hope from that? I draw some hope from the years, the decades, that many of us have been working on, the effort, the research investments to prepare for the next pandemic. I think we’re ready, I think we’re going to get through this, and I’m going to give you a lot of examples. But furthermore, and I will be even more bold, I believe we are moving to a future where we could actually take pandemics off the table. What I mean by that is truly eliminate the threat of pandemic disease. Now, to some people that sound silly and outrageous, especially with the current situation. Well, let’s see if I can convince you. But I’m convinced that we can mount the most effective pandemic defense that the world has ever seen.
We can’t be paralyzed by fear (but obviously we need to feel the fear to the point of paralysis). Matt wants you to be focused on that imaginary scenario – “pandemic”. By which he means something really deadly infecting the entire world, since it entails paralyzing fear. Which, he needs you to believe is “inevitable” (huh, why?) even though, speaking objectively and using at least 100 years of epidemiology data, it doesn’t happen. I will cover the so-called Spanish Flu (neither Spanish nor flu) in later posts, however, even if you believe that it happened as CDC claims it did, that was before most people in the developed nations had functioning plumbing and were coming out of a major global war. He wants to take something that hasn’t happened in at least 100 years “off the table”. Yes, this is silly and outrageous, but not in the way he means. However, don’t pay attention to this little stuff – you need to be in the pandemic mindset, paralyzed by fear, almost, and with a little bit of hope.
Matt from the DOD Emerging Technologies is going to be your guiding light.
Now, successful defense against pandemic, this is a very complex problem, as everybody know. There’s public health, there’s medicine, there’s quarantine, there’s social distancing. Read the CDC website. Yes, wash your hands, follow all those things, do those things. But there are three strategic building blocks that I think will make a huge difference. Those are advanced technology, global cooperation and political will. Let’s take them one at a time. And we can start with technology. Now, I know, I get it, it’s not technology is the panacea that will solve all of our problems, that’s not what I’m saying. But in this case, I think technology is a critical part of the recipe for success. See, because by definition, this is a novel situation and we have a new virus. So therefore, research and development is required right now in real time. And it’s happening because this will allow us to accelerate our ability to find vaccines and treatments. So here’s where the good news starts. This process, find a new vaccine, used to take sometimes up to 10 to 15 years, hundreds of millions of dollars, a really long period of time.
Quarantine and social distancing – of course! He needs to imprint these words in your mind right away. He is protecting you from a very specific and “inevitable” future – a novel virus, which can only be defeated with, you guessed it – novel technology! Unknown can only be fixed with another unknown. Duh! Don’t question his brilliance, he is on TED and you are not.
Using well understood things to find solutions is so boring and so last century and used to take 10-15 years…
Behold DARPA’s genius:
I think now with technology that we can go from discovery to at least having products in clinical trials in weeks, maybe months, but I like to say weeks, at a fraction of the cost. Now, for a number of years, I worked at a place called DARPA. I’m no longer there now, but I still collaborate with them. DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. And there, my DARPA colleagues and I came up with a program that we called the Pandemic Prevention Platform, or P3 for short. The goal of P3 was to have 20,000 doses of a protective compound within 60 days. Now, you might say, “Well, a pandemic, we’re talking about a hundred million infections. 20,000, does that really make a difference?” But our premise is that you make this, you administer it early and you interrupt transmission in those communities. If you can interrupt it, then potentially you can head off the pandemic, or at least you can slow things down. Think about a firebreak halting, or a series of firebreaks, to halt the spread of a fire. So 20,000 doses in 60 days, a highly ambitious goal. And we knew that.
The numbers quoted are figments of imagination. None of them are tied to any realities of making a safe treatment for anything in any quantities. Going into clinical trials with “new protective compound in weeks” – how do you know it is protective before a proper clinical trial program? Going from discovery into clinical trials in weeks is also not possible. I mean, it is possible if you absolutely do not care how many people you kill and injure, and have no liability. Kind of like when normal laws are suspended and the military is running the country’s healthcare system, but that would be too dystopian, that’s a conspiracy crazy talk! The 100 million infections – he made that up, because it’s a nice large scary number. The 20,000 doses in 60 days – some consultant made that up but you and I paid millions in taxes for this.
Now that he has gotten you approvingly nodding along with nonsense… some pushing of the envelope is going to occur:
We knew we were going to push the envelope a little bit, that’s kind of how DARPA is, and that’s kind of how I was. And so we met with a set of government experts, this is a few years ago, and we said this, and what did they do? They laughed. That’s okay. They didn’t think it was possible, but it is. And I think we would all agree it’s desperately needed now. Now, I’m not saying that a coronavirus vaccine is going to be available and ready for the world in a month. Unfortunately, it’s going to take a little bit longer. And the P3 technology that I’m going to describe to you, I mean, this is still early research, we still have a lot of work to do, but I’m profoundly excited to see how fast we can go. And I’m telling you right now, our teams are going to be going 24/7, and we are going to be matching that type of effort until we get to that finish line.
Do you understand now why the “live exercise” global war crime was given a sci-fi name of “Operation Warp Speed”? Because the psychopaths in charge like fantasy games (Klaus dresses up as a villain), and their blind obedient enablers throughout the government-corporate-academia-media cartel will implement mass murder for a paycheck and some social status points. The majority of people are not necessarily evil, they just practice relative morality and don’t think too much.
Back to P3 – DARPA’s Pandemic Prevention Platform. If you come up with a name that says “platform” it automatically works better. Also acronyms are key in making something that can’t work into something that does work and very quickly. Don’t forget “breakthrough”, it sounds like there was a lot of work followed by a brilliant insight.
Now, P3 is based on several breakthrough technologies. The first step is you got to have a little bit of virus, and you use that virus to start an automated superfast antibody discovery effort. Once you identify those antibodies, then you can do different technologies to advance them to maturity to make them highly potent. Finally, P3 uses certain technologies, using nucleic acid constructs, and you could administer these nucleic acid constructs, these pieces of genes, into the patient. These are the instructions for your cells to make that highly protective antibody. And the good news is that those genetic sequence constructs, you can make thousands of those in a very short period of time. So if you can do all of those steps and you put it together and you integrate it and take it start to finish, maybe we can get there, 20,000 doses in 60 days. Basically, we’re talking about engineering antibodies that are so effective that you get near-immediate protection once they’re administered and they can last for the duration of the outbreak.
The above paragraph is ravings of a barking mad lunatic, but the horrifying truth is that the majority of people (including a very large majority of professionals) believe this narrative, at least partially believe it because a vast ocean of money has been printed and spent by the government agencies to cement this belief. In reality nobody can do what Matt describes (i.e. inject genes) without killing or injuring the recipient. This has been a consistent experience with development of gene therapy products, that’s why they all failed. There is no “therapeutic window” for them: too little does nothing and a bit more kills too many people. There is no targeted delivery: you either don’t get mail at all or it is sent to all zip codes in the country (the product distributes all over the body in uncontrollable ways). Finally, the manufacture of these “genetic codes” is impossible to make to cGMP standards, and the contents of the injections resemble nothing that is described on the label, they contain soups of jumbled mess of materials with various degrees of toxicity. If you order a new vehicle, but what you receive is a lottery containing some vehicles with missing random parts and some piles of scrap metal with some leather and plastic bits – that’s about how close these injections come in reality vs their descriptions from manufacturers. Thankfully many injected people remain unharmed because a lot if the shots are just empty duds.
Matt probably knows all this, but he is hired by the DOD to lie for war propaganda purposes to the American people and global audiences.
Despite the hype and fanfare of “decoding human genome” over a decade ago, no real “breakthroughs” in medicine using the decoded genetic code materialized. Attempts to do what Matt describes have lead to documented deaths and injuries and not much else. Wait, no, of course there was much else – lots and lots of government funding of this bridge to nowhere. Here are the failures cited by the FDA in 2015 Gene Therapy Guidance for Industry:
And here are the risks cited by the same 2015 Guidance. It’s almost like they knew before 2020 that multi-organ failure and death should be expected from gene therapies, and that’s why they renamed these things into “vaccines”:
Gene therapy as medicine is a pharmaceutical dead end, full of risks that have not been overcome, despite lots of hype and billions spent in R&D. Merck spent a billion bucks and about 20 years and has proven definitively this stuff cannot be made in a GMP compliant manner. Don’t worry however, DARPA’s solution to this problem is to do the same reckless thing, but QUICKLY so that nobody would notice there is no GMP!
And we’re getting better at this all the time. And it’s an ensemble of technologies, including microfabrication and automation, machine learning, genetic sequencing. It’s a combination of those discreet advances that add up to a very powerful medical emergency response capability. So you say, “Show me the evidence.” Let me give you an example from Zika virus. If we say Zika infection, you might say, “Okay, again, to get a protective compound, you’re probably going to need months or even years, to go through that discovery process and show that it works in animal models.” But in this P3 program, scientists at Vanderbilt University were able to do all of that in just 78 days. Now, pandemics have a number of additional success stories where we’ve seen advanced technology making a difference. Another example is this genetic sequence concept. We can also use that as a vaccine.
Word salad of techie buzzwords, which educated fools who take TED talks seriously simply eat up.
As it turns out “warp speed” terminology wasn’t used for the first time in 2020. Ithad been invented during Obama administration as this article from STAT news describes in 2016. At that time the mad rush was all about zika. The play used the same script as was later utilized in the covid pandemic hoax: scary invisible threat, poorly understood virus (but never mind the understanding, injections into humans right away!), “no clear market” (that problem was definitely solved in 2020 by Trump admin allocating trillions via the DOD contracts to pharmas), young and healthy people as targets for poisoning with experimental agents, pregnant women and babies as targets, and of course the same perpetrators – Rick Bright of DARPA and Anthony Fauci of NIH.
At the time seven zika vaccines were being developed, including by Moderna – a company full of hyped up potential but no results despite lavish funding from many sources including from DARPA. Prior to 2020, Moderna had not been able to bring any products to market. Notably, its mRNA-based vaccines were associated with the antibody-enhancement (ADE) phenomenon. One such example includes Moderna’s preclinical study of mRNA-based zika vaccine in which vaccinated mice all uniformly suffered from severe and lethal form of the disease due to antibody enhancement. All versions of the vaccine unequivocally led to some level of ADE, in the best case, by day 5 after injection, 20% of the vaccinated mice died thanks to ADE induced by the vaccine. Moderna received a “fast track” designation from FDA for zika vaccine in 2019, but no approved product has materialized since then.
A video of Fauci with Health and Human Services (HHS) officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce a mRNA-based universal flu vaccine was recorded at the forum hosted by the Milken Institute in October 2019. Panelists included Anthony Fauci, Michael Specter (a journalist) and Rick Bright.
Anthony Fauci requires no introduction. Dr. Rick Bright, formerly a director of the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (“BARDA”), was reported ousted in March /April 2020 by the Trump administration. In March 2021, Bright joined The Rockefeller Foundationas Senior Vice President of Pandemic Prevention and Response. With these career moves, it’s hard to say if he was “ousted” or promoted by the Trump admin.
At the ‘Universal Flu Vaccine’ forum in 2019, Bright said “there may be a need, even an urgent call, for an entity of excitement out there which is completely disruptive, not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes” and Fauci agreed.
Bright also said: “it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that and beam it to a number of regional centers, if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch to be self-administered.” The video is available here. “Beam it”? Are these people for real?
Back to Matt Hepburn’s 2020 TED talk. It makes more sense in the context of a long standing DOD/HHS strategy:
Now, what about that second building block, which is global cooperation? Now, I think everybody would agree that if we really want to take pandemics off the table, no one country can do that alone, we have to do this together.
He is insisting on “taking off the table” something that’s not there, an invisible and completely imaginary threat. Of course you need all countries act in unison, you can’t have an African nation leader testing a goat and a papaya for covid and finding it’s a hoax. Well, that’s why that particular leader is no longer there, see, he wasn’t a good global team player…
So the third building block, this is political will. Now, many countries in the world obviously have not prioritized pandemic preparedness as their number one thing, and we understand that. You think about all the competing priorities, even of all the things that we heard about on stage today. But now everybody’s paying attention. This idea we have a unique opportunity with worldwide political will to fight this pandemic. It’s not too late.
By “political will” Matt means that the governments of all countries of the world must submit to the “One Health” agenda (aka “one slavery”) driven from WHO/WEF and their owners – the BIS and the central banks. Where if you don’t have that particular “political will” you will suffer the fate of the Tanzanian President John Magufuli, or the Haitian President Jovenel Moise (who refused covid vaccines for Haiti as of April 2021, was assassinated by July 2021, but the connection is fact-checked baseless!) and a few others who questioned the dictatorship of the WHO and suffered grim consequences.
The situation is indeed serious because we are faced with racketeering by the global cartel using the power of the military that we fund, where we send our children to serve, and whose purpose we thought was to honorably defend our nation, and not to be racketeering enforcers for a murderous global mafia. We need to find our own countermeasures against the nice doctors from the Department of Defense who are here to “save” us from the imaginary future.