By 2020, I think the world population was no longer growing

Using OECD statistics for the years 1990-2020 we see the birth rate curves below.

China and the US were at about 1.7 births per woman in 2020. India and Indonesia were at about 2.2 births per woman (around replacement). The EU is around 1.6, and the OECD countries about 1.7, causing a decline in population over time, which is probably one reason the globalists opened the gates and invited in millions of refugees and others from the Middle East wars which they had started. (Also to water down the construct of a nation with shared language, culture and physical features.)

Dame Jane Goodall can stop worrying about overpopulation. (Are you paying attention to who gets the titles?)

Yes I know, Africa had by far the highest birth rates, and the lowest vaccine uptake, so we can expect they will continue to have high birth rates. But for half the world’s people detailed in these graphs, birth rates will not lead to population replacement.

It will be interesting to see how the Globalists decide to deal with Africa. Sending MI 6’s agent Sir Jeremy Farrar to the WHO to try and push the vaccines on the third world is not going to work. Everyone knows he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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