I am stuck on old blog posts of mine that tried to warn of what was happening wrt the vaccine rollout in 2020. How could Malone have made a difference then as an unknown?

This was just my comments on one JHU think tank's attempt to manipulate people to get vaccinated. Nov. 13, 2020.


How to Soften Up the Public for the Covid-19 Vaccines–Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Brochure

An interesting cast of characters signed off on these guidelines for convincing the public to accept entirely new, questionable vaccines. The group includes Drs. Greg Poland, who led the fight to impose universal flu vaccine recommendations (and many state mandates) and Luciana Borio, a physician, fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Vice President at In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s “venture capital” firm. 

Of course, the group’s first admonishment is to give people like themselves money to study the most effective forms of manipulation.

But, until then, they still offer lots of good ideas for how to manipulate the public to be vaccinated.  They know it won’t be easy.  I have excerpted a variety of their “gems” below:


Conceived as a biotechnology and logistics challenge, COVID-19 vaccination is equally complex in terms of human factors. “If we build it, they will come” is a naïve presupposition about humans and vaccines. In 2010, for instance, many Americans rejected the H1N1 influenza pandemic vaccine because of perceived safety concerns—despite the fact that the vaccine involved only a strain change (ie, it was not a new technology) and the vaccine had been fully tested before release. (Fully? It missed the eventual 1300 + narcolepsy cases–Nass).  

In contrast to the H1N1 pandemic flu vaccine, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will be novel products, and when they are initially offered to the public, safety data may be limited to tens of thousands of vaccinated individuals, rather than larger numbers in which more rare adverse effects could be detected. In addition, the H1N1 vaccine amplified health disparities as well as feelings of racial bias. In Los Angeles, for example, distrust in the government resulting from prior experimentation on Black men and women led Black faith-based leaders, radio personalities, and other community leaders to advise local Black community members to avoid vaccination…

There is a risk that projections about vaccine development are overly optimistic and may set up unrealistic public expectations and mistrust around vaccine safety and availability…

Emphasis on the unprecedented speed with which vaccines are being developed has inadvertently prompted safety concerns…

Underestimation of COVID-19’s risk, fostered by an inconsistent government response, dampens public willingness to implement protective measures…

Temper expectations of a vaccine as a “quick fix…”

Early on, seek the counsel and input of communities who have historic reluctance toward novel vaccines and understandable fears of being “experimented on…”

In advance of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine rollout, federal health agencies should develop a coordinated national strategy to promote vaccination, employing human-centered design to develop interventions that help a broad network of champions communicate effectively with the public about risks, benefits, allocation and targeting, and availability…

The CDC, with the support of Congress, should fund state and local health departments, via the Public Health Emergency Preparedness grants, to form partnerships with grassroots-level organizations and stakeholders to promote vaccination…

OWS, HHS, CDC, and state and local health officials should develop operational systems that involve nontraditional civilian partners and instill public confidence that vaccine distribution is evenhanded. Involving civil rights groups and health advocacy organizations, including the NAACP, the National Urban League, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Disability Rights Network, the American Association of Retired Persons, the National Immigration Project, Unidos, Partnership with Native Americans, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, the National Rural Health Association, Doctors Without Borders, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, can bolster the equitable delivery of vaccines and instill public trust in the vaccination process…  (This is probably a list of organizations that CDC has already bought off, so pay attention to pronouncements from these organizations–Nass.)

Utilize nontraditional vaccination sites like schools, pharmacies, workplaces, grocery stores, health departments, mass vaccination clinics, faith centers, barber shops, senior centers, dental offices, home visits, and others… (They have already figured out that family physicians are likely to warn their patients about rapidly rolled out, novel vaccines with inadequate safety testing–so the plan is to bypass physicians as much as possible during the vaccine rollout–Nass.) 

Identifying a network of trusted spokespeople will be essential for an effective communication campaign around future COVID-19 vaccines. To motivate people to take protective actions like vaccination requires that they hear a salient and specific message repeatedly, delivered by multiple trusted messengers and via diverse media channels. Effective public health and safety communication involves a repetitive streaming of personally compelling information…

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