Letter from LaLaLand to Dr. Ladapo, signed by FDA’s Califf and CDC’s Walensky

Everything is great, we are thrilled with our vaccines and the only problem is not enough people are up to date, so stop the misinformation already, got it?

Don’t read this if you get upset easily.


March 10, 2023

“…Serious adverse events from COVID-19 vaccines are rare and are far outweighed by the benefits of these vaccines for every age group.  The claim that the increase of VAERS reports of life-threatening conditions reported from Florida and elsewhere represents an increase of risk caused by the COVID-19 vaccines is incorrect, misleading and could be harmful to the American public. The FDA-approved and FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines have met FDA’s rigorous scientific and regulatory standards for safety and effectiveness and these vaccines continue to be recommended for use by CDC for all people six months of age and older. Both FDA and CDC have continued to collect outcome data from multiple sources that demonstrate the clear benefit of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing death, serious illness, and hospitalization from SARS-CoV-2 infection, along with indicating a modest benefit in the prevention of infection and transmission that wanes over time, even as new variants have emerged. Additional benefits include a reduced risk of known complications from SARS-CoV-2 infection, including post-COVID conditions, COVID-19-associated stroke and heart disease, and COVID-19-induced venous thromboembolism.

…Additionally, not only is there no evidence of
increased risk of death following mRNA vaccines, but available data have shown quite the opposite: that being up to date on vaccinations saves lives compared to individuals who did not get vaccinated. Multiple well conducted, peer-reviewed, published studies here and here demonstrate that the risk of death, serious illness and hospitalization is higher for unvaccinated individuals for every age group. Because we are not the only country in the world using COVID-19 vaccines, we also benefit from the experience of other countries. More than 13 billion doses
of COVID-19 vaccines have been given around the world, including hundreds of millions of doses of mRNA vaccines and hundreds of millions of doses to children. Consistent with our data, these multiple international partners have robust monitoring for both safety and effectiveness. They find little evidence of widespread adverse events, also detect rare events as we do, and conclude that the benefits of the vaccines generally far outstrip their risks.

…The most recent estimate is that those who are up to date on their vaccination status have a 9.8 fold lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than those who are unvaccinated and 2.4 fold lower risk of dying from Covid-19 than those who were vaccinated but had not received the updated, bivalent vaccine.

Unfortunately, the misinformation about COVID-19 vaccine safety has caused some
Americans to avoid getting the vaccines they need to be up to date. This has led to
unnecessary death, severe illness and hospitalization. These tragic outcomes not only have a devastating effect on individuals and their families, but they also create a tremendous strain on our healthcare systems and clinicians, potentially compromising care for other patients…

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