PREPARING to take over the resources of the developing world under the climate change, resilience, sustainability banner

Yet another scheme to create further indebtedness and create massive new financial products. a) How do we stop climate change? b) How do we learn how much is due to weather warfare?

Here are excerpts from last September’s White House PREPARE Action Plan.

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The climate crisis is fundamentally and increasingly a national security crisis. And to tackle one of the greatest global challenges of our time, we must make deep investments in our allies and partners and support their efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. In November 2021, President Biden launched the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) at COP26 in Glasgow. PREPARE is a whole-of-government effort to help more than half a billion people in developing countries adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change…


Support partner countries’ ability to plan for and respond to impacts of
climate change on public health systems and the health and well-being of the
populations they serve.

1. Strengthen public health, preparedness, and response capacities to prevent, detect, and respond to potential and actualized climate threats to physical and mental health and climate-related emergencies.

[Get ready for the fact we will be declaring potential emergencies; climate and health will be inextricably linked (which makes no sense) and we plan to designate recalcitrants as mentally ill—Nass]

  1. Improve the knowledge base and coordination on climate and health impacts among U.S. and foreign health practitioners.

[We will train all health care practitioners around the world about the false linkages between climate and health, thus preparing them to accept crazy theories if they want to get ahead—Nass]


Through PREPARE, the U.S. Government will help countries improve
their food security and nutrition by building more climate-resilient food systems that take current and future climate impacts into account, including through investments in line with the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate. Through Feed the Future programs, including investments in research, development, and innovation, the U.S. Government will support countries to sustainably increase food security and nutrition. The U.S. Government will continue to encourage the multilateral development banks to strengthen food security initiatives, focusing on increasing the resilience of food systems for the long-term. PREPARE will focus on three priority areas of work with respect to food security and nutrition plans and programs. Many of the actions under Pillars 1 and 3 on climate information and finance complement these objectives…

PREPARE Resources:

Mobilizing Finance and Private Capital
Current finance for adaptation is insufficient, with a strong reliance on limited overseas development assistance, and often does not reach the people most affected by intensifying climate impacts. In response to this challenge and in support of the U.S. International Climate Finance Plan, PREPARE will accelerate financing of adaptation measures by enhancing engagement with multilateral funds, strengthening capacity of partner countries to access finance for adaptation, developing bankable investments, mobilizing private capital, and supporting the development of climate risk finance strategies. PREPARE Resources will prioritize the following four objectives – inclusive of illustrative U.S. Government examples – which also serve to advance actions under the other PREPARE pillars…

Increase and enhance the use and effectiveness of disaster risk financing toolsto support climate resilience.
Expand access to disaster risk finance, including by strengthening disaster-responsive social protection systems and regional risk pools, in support of multilateral partnerships such as the InsuResilience Global Partnership, Risk-Informed Early Action Partnership, and G7 efforts toward a Global Shield to close the protection gap.
• Work with partner country governments and the private sector to strengthen support for and access to climate-related food security insurance products, especially those that support women and other marginalized groups.
• Build in-country capacity for utilizing and layering different risk financing tools.
• Promote ex-ante financing for disaster risk reduction and the development of private insurance retail and consumer markets to micro, small, and medium enterprises.

[In order to build out our pie in the sky objectives, while no specifics are provided that might actually actually accomplish the stated goals, we will dole out money to poorer nations around the world and get them hooked into major financing schemes, which they will never be able to pay back, and will eventuate in the transfer of their resources to the financiers. We will furthermore develop a new resilience insurance industry with many products that did not previously exist. Carbon credits never caught on, so this is our next best shot—Nass]

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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