What can we do? someone asked.

There is a lot to do.


I am aware of two WHO bills in the House that have a considerable number of co-sponsors and might go forward. Please do whatever you can to educate your Congress-members about the WHO, ask them to cosponsor these bills, and get us out from under the boot of the WHO. Ask everyone you know to do so also.

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

H.R.343 – No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts


Sponsor: Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21] (Introduced 01/12/2023) Committees: House – Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House – 01/12/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  (All Actions)

There are 35 cosponsors.

H.R.79 – WHO Withdrawal Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts


Sponsor: Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5] (Introduced 01/09/2023) Committees: House – Foreign Affairs Latest Action: House – 01/09/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.  (All Actions)

There are 20 cosponsors


There is a ton going on at the state level wrt important bills.

In Maine, there is a bill to restore the religious and philosophic exemptions for vaccines, LD51. There is a hearing on this bill next Monday by the Education Committee. We absolutely need to make headway at getting back our rights at the state level, which would get in the way of vaccine mandates in future.

James Roguski told me a couple of hours ago that there was a bill in Nevada that would criminalize doctors who did not put all their medical records online. I haven’t seen it yet. But I explained that 99% of everyone’s medical records are already online, due to a federal Obama program that created public-private partnerships in all the states and territories to do just that. I blogged about this system many years ago; in Maine it is called Health InfoNet but each state uses a different name. True medical privacy is a myth. The so-called “opt-out” of the system only prevents your doctors accessing your information—but your information still gets input to the system, regardless.

Legislatures and Attorneys General can refuse to follow WHO directives; after all, according to the Constitution, medical care is in the realm of the states, not the federal government. So educating people at the state and local level about the WHO power grab is important.

The National Vaccine Information Center keeps tracks of state bills that relate to vaccines. You have to sign up and can get alerts.

https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/. https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/State-Teams

Childrens Health Defense has many state chapters, and would be glad to form more.


Stand for Health Freedom and Lifesite News are both working on the WHO issue.

Food sovereignty laws are important. Rep Massie will reintroduce the PRIME Act, that would allow meat to be butchered locally and sold within a state without federal inspections—which is not the case now. His press release for Congress’ last session described the bill. He plans to introduce a similar bill for the sale of fresh milk locally.

Food sovereignty can be achieved with local, town ordinances as well as State laws or, as in Maine, an amendment to the Constitution.

This is a start. I will post more on what we can all do later—but since all our systems are being attacked at once, there is much, much more.

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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