It took the Nazis 9 years of mission creep before they rolled out the holocaust. This film by John Kirby and Evan Dominguez takes us from there to here in 34 minutes.
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
I need a long-form interview or a venue to present all this material
I need a long-form interview or a venue to present all this material
Is the timing coincidental?
Is the timing coincidental?
I wrote this on February 12, 2021, but it is chock full of facts that are needed to understand how COVID cases, deaths, tests were calibrated for maximal political effect...these facts remain unknown
I wrote this on February 12, 2021, but it is chock full of facts that are needed to understand how COVID cases, deaths, tests were calibrated for maximal political effect…these facts remain unknown
My opinion has not changed in 25 years. The facts have only strengthened it.
My opinion has not changed in 25 years. The facts have only strengthened it.
And the Ron Johnson bill gets revived
And the Ron Johnson bill gets revived
Introduced in the Senate a month ago, with an earlier House version. If passed, would greatly increase the power and lack of accountability of federal agencies. Won't pass unless the RINOs pass it.
Introduced in the Senate a month ago, with an earlier House version. If passed, would greatly increase the power and lack of accountability of federal agencies. Won’t pass unless the RINOs pass it.