It took the Nazis 9 years of mission creep before they rolled out the holocaust. This film by John Kirby and Evan Dominguez takes us from there to here in 34 minutes.
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
Original URL: has written extensively and courageously on Israel’s war in Gaza: Here’s why—Steve Jalsevic Some of us originally had no idea that numerous secular and orthodox religious Jews and rabbis, and Middle East Catholic and other Christian leaders, are highly critical of Israel and its Zionist ideology. Israeli PM Benjamin NetanyahuPhoto by…
My part starts around minute 45.
My part starts around minute 45.
So let's look at his background and that of his compatriots who wrote the Proximal Origins paper. Pulling up some old writings of mine.
So let’s look at his background and that of his compatriots who wrote the Proximal Origins paper. Pulling up some old writings of mine.
But who is the Financial Times talking to? Globalist attorney Lawrence O. Gostin and hapless former COVID czar Ashish Jha. Trump team is not being quoted.
But who is the Financial Times talking to? Globalist attorney Lawrence O. Gostin and hapless former COVID czar Ashish Jha. Trump team is not being quoted.
Bill Rice, Jr.has a long list of them. Never forget.
Bill Rice, Jr.has a long list of them. Never forget.
Our legal collaborators ask interesting questions of the WHO and EU today
Our legal collaborators ask interesting questions of the WHO and EU today