The full story of the Proximal Origin Nature Medicine coverup, with extensive email links and commentary by Emily Kopp at US Right to Know

She missed that Peter Daszak was given a Columbia U. faculty 'position' in Ian Lipkin's lab but she sure didn't miss much

If you have a couple of hours or more, Emily has put this whole sorry tale together. What a great job she has done and continues to do, splicing the details of this story together from so many batches of emails released as a result of FOIA requests. This account was posted by her on April 11, 2023.

I think she missed that Michael Farzan, as well as Andersen and Garry, received big NIAID grants soon after participating in the Feb. 1, 2020 coverup teleconference. As did Daszak, who was behind the curtain for the Nature Medicine article but central to the Lancet correspondence and the National Academies of Science letter coverups.

And my original critique f the Proximal Origins paper is here.

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