A good deed was maliciously twisted, and a lot of angry people piled on.
A substack with only one post, allegedly written by a Latina refugee, gets a lot of attention though it makes no sense.
The post was allegedly made by an “equal opportunity offender, unapologetic Latina refugee in USA” who goes by Vilma. Okay. Vilma has appeared for the first time, yet somehow she did a very deep dive back to 2011, and surfaced with a transcript of an advisory committee meeting that Robert Malone, I and Vera Sharav all called into.
Do you really think some refugee from nowhere is going to draw attention to themselves with a flaming post like this? Do you further believe that anyone but an intelligence professional was able to search the government’s databases and come up with the transcript of a meeting that happened to involve Robert Malone and me? In fact, the author states the transcript has been “authenticated by a USG employee.”
This is yet one more op intended to discredit Robert Malone, and now the same people are going after Ryan Cole. The game is divide and conquer, using people’s anger and frustration. And a lot of people are enjoying it, which is sad.
Here is the post, and now it is looking as if the author’s intent is actually to smear RFK, Jr. as well as Robert Malone. Do you get it now?
Malone spoke very briefly, and what he actually said was, given the known side effects, why don’t you try fewer doses in kids than are used in adults? He asked them to use a dose-sparing approach.
So of all the scientists working on anthrax vaccines in the US, he was one of only two to call this committee and ask them to recommend going easier on kids. Don’t give them the 6 doses you give the grownups. To me, coming from a vaccinologist, that was honorable.
And for that act of kindness and ethics the nincompoops rake him over the coals. Of course, Vera and I asked them to not test it in kids at all. But he was in the business, and we were the do-gooders that didn’t make our living from bio-defense.
While Dr. Malone did work on a nasal anthrax vaccine it never got licensed, and he never published on it, which is why I was unaware of it and him. The Emergent BioSolutions anthrax vaccine being given to soldiers was very dangerous. That does not mean the nasal anthrax vaccine was also dangerous. The author(s) of La Gata claim he was trying to test his vaccine in kids—but it was the Emergent vaccine that was to be tested, not his.
This is how you can twist something to smear me, Robert, and RFK when there is no meat at all on this bone. (That part is in La Gata’s comments.) If you thought La Gata had uncovered some great story, you need to a) start reading more critically, and b) understand that people who are feeding on your anger are not your friends.—Meryl