The WHO is integrated into the censorship propaganda industrial complex
And here is the Information Control section of my Stockholm talk
And here is the Information Control section of my Stockholm talk
Original URL: CARLSON: Democrats think Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the face of extremism: Tucker takes a closer look at the Democratic Party’s treatment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr (This includes only the Tucker portion of the segment) (This includes the Kennedy interview portion of the segment) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on challenging…
Original URL: We talked about everything relevant for today, in addition to my license. We will be in court this Friday 9 am in Augusta, Maine for oral arguments in the appeal.
h/t to Nic Hulscher. BTW I am getting a lot of negative comments, which means I am over the target and the deep state is not happy about this.
h/t to Nic Hulscher. BTW I am getting a lot of negative comments, which means I am over the target and the deep state is not happy about this.
CDC cowrote this and misrepresented the conclusions. Prior infection is unquestionably superior to vaccination at preventing both mild and severe disease
CDC cowrote this and misrepresented the conclusions. Prior infection is unquestionably superior to vaccination at preventing both mild and severe disease
What happens tomorrow? My liveblog with some useful additions
What happens tomorrow? My liveblog with some useful additions
Original URL: Consider refusing to fly on small planes without a copilot.